Dear Friend, Today I Dedicate this 'Miracle Healing Prayer' to You

Today is Monday, May 6, 2024

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Dear Friend, This is my Miracle Healing Prayer for You Today

Today's Healing Prayer for Dear Friend

β€œLord Jesus Christ, thank you for loving Dear Friend who needs healing.

I know that you hate what that illness is doing. I ask that you have compassion and cure Dear Friend from all sickness.

You, Lord are a miracle worker for the sick, and for the lost souls.

You, Lord forgive and save Dear Friend from all sins and eternal condemnation.

Help Dear Friend to put all trust in You because You Lord are the greatest physician.

You heal, You protect, You care, You love, You guard, You guide, You govern, You are kind, You are patient, You are thoughtful, You are strength.
You Lord are our Creator.

I know from my experience in life on earth that not everyone can be healed.
If that happens here, then keep Dear Friend's heart soft towards You.

Help all of us and especially Dear Friend to understand your plan for us and help us to be excited about heaven.

Lord, I thank you that Dear Friend belongs to you and that you are in control of everything that happens from our first breath to our last sigh. Amen.”Amen.

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