This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 27 2024.
👉 Saint Emilina of Boulancourt
Blessed Bartholomew of Vicenza
Saint Elesbaan of Ethiopia
Saint Odrian of Waterford
Pope Saint Evaristus
Blessed Salvador Mollar Ventura
Blessed Salvador Damián Enguix Garés
Saint Abbán of Magh-Armuidhe
St Abbán of Magh-Armuidhe was also known as Eibbán or Moabba. He was the son of Cormac, the King of Leinster, Ireland born in 570 AD in Ireland. He was a nephew and disciple of Saint Ibar.
He founded monasteries in Magheranoidhe and Kilabbain and churches in Wexford.
He died of natural causes in 620 AD.
Saint Gaudiosus of Naples
St Gaudiosus of Naples was also known as Gaudiosus of Abitinae or Gaudiosus the African.
He was the Bishop of Abitinae in North Africa. In 440 AD, he was exiled by the Arian Vandal King Genseric and fled to Naples, Italy, where he founded a monastery.
In 455 AD, he died in Naples, Italy of natural causes.
Saint Florentius of Trois-Châteaux
St Florentius of Trois-Châteaux was also known as Florence. He died as a martyr in Trois-Châteaux, Burgundy, France in the 3rd century.
Saint Thraseas of Eumenia
St Thraseas was the Bishop of Eumenia, Phrygia, now in modern-day Turkey. In 170 AD, he was martyred in Smyrna, now in modern-day Izmir, Turkey during the persecutions of Marcus Aurelius.
Saint Colman of Senboth-Fola
St Colman of Senboth-Fola was a spiritual student of Saint Aedan of Ferns. He became a monk and later an abbot of Senboth-Fola Abbey near Ferns, Ireland. He died in 632 AD.
Blessed Goswin of Clairvaux
Blessed Goswin of Clairvaux was a Benedictine Cistercian monk at Clairvaux Abbey, and then later at Cheminon, France. In 1203 AD, he died of natural causes.
Saint Namatius of Clermont
St Namatius of Clermont was also known as Namace or Namazio. He was the Bishop of Clermont, France. In 642 AD, he died of natural causes.
Saint Desiderius of Auxerre
St Desiderius of Auxerre was the Bishop of Auxerre, France. He died in 625 AD.
Saint Capitolina
St Capitolina died as a martyr in 304 AD in Cappadocia during the persecutions of Diocletian.
Saint Erotheides
St Erotheides died as a martyr in 304 AD in Cappadocia during the persecutions of Diocletian.
Other Saints of the Day for October 27 2024
- Balsamia
- Theodule of Sion
- Peter de Pazzis
- Peter de Lauro
- Caesar Taparelli di Genola
Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

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