March 9 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – The parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man – Luke 16:19-31
Wealth and power without compassion and charity are useless. We should use our wealth to serve others.
The Bible Verse of today is derived from Luke 16:19-31.

Today’s Teaching About The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man
Wealth Does Not Guarantee Salvation
The parable contrasts the luxurious life of the rich man with the destitution of Lazarus, who begs for scraps outside his gate.
Despite the rich man’s wealth and comfortable life, he ends up in torment, while Lazarus is comforted in the afterlife.
Compassion and Charity are Essential Virtues
The parable emphasizes the importance of showing compassion and kindness to those in need, as seen in the contrast between the rich man’s neglect of Lazarus and the dogs that come to lick his sores, and the care that Lazarus receives from the angels in the afterlife.
The rich man was punished not because of being rich and hardworking but because of lack of compassion and charity to the less fortunate. God wants you to use your wealth to serve others.
The Afterlife is Real and Has Consequences
The parable underscores the reality of the afterlife and the consequences of our actions in this life. The rich man’s fate is sealed by his lack of compassion and concern for Lazarus, while Lazarus is rewarded for his faith and endurance in the face of suffering.
Repentance is Possible, But it is Time Bound
The rich man pleads with Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers to repent, but Abraham tells him that they have Moses and the prophets to guide them, and if they do not listen to them, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.
This suggests that repentance is possible, but it requires a genuine change of heart and a willingness to listen to the teachings of the prophets and the scriptures.
It also shows that time for repentance is limited. You only have your life on earth to repent, if you don’t you will miss your chance to repent when you die and you will burn in the fiery Gehennah.
Short Story About the Importance of Compassion and Charity
Once there was a wealthy man who lived in a grand mansion at the edge of a small town. He had everything he could ever want – fine clothes, delicious food, and a luxurious lifestyle. But just beyond the gates of his estate, there lived a poor man named David.
David had nothing – no home, no family, and no hope for the future. He spent his days begging for scraps on the streets and sleeping in alleyways.
Nonetheless, he was kind to people by helping the carry luggage to their destination and also showing directions to places for strangers in the town.
The wealthy man, on the other hand, never paid David any attention and when he came to the gate to beg for food and clothes, the rich man often sent his servants to chase him away.
One day, David fell ill and grew weaker with each passing day. The wealthy man, meanwhile, continued to enjoy his lavish lifestyle, oblivious to the suffering of those around him.
Eventually, David died, and his body was left to rot on the streets. One night, in a dream, the wealthy man found himself standing at the gates of heaven, while David was welcomed into paradise.
“Why is David in heaven, while I am left outside?” the wealthy man asked the guard at the gates of Heaven.
The answer came swiftly. “You had everything you could ever want in life, but you never showed compassion or charity to those in need. David, on the other hand, had nothing, but he always showed kindness to others and helped those in need.”
When the wealthy man woke up, he realized the importance of compassion and charity in the community. From that day forward, he pledged to use his wealth and power to make a positive difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
He became known throughout the town for his generosity and kindness, and his legacy of compassion lived on long after he was gone.
And so, the story of the wealthy man and David taught the townspeople the importance of caring for others, and inspired them to come together to build a stronger, more compassionate community.
Therefore, let us today realize that wealth and power without compassion and charity are useless. We should use our wealth to serve others.
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