This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 21 2024.
👉 Saint Lawrence of Brindisi
Saint Arbogast of Strasbourg
Saint Victor of Marseilles
Saint Alberic Crescitelli
Daniel the Prophet
Saint Antimund of Thérouanne
Saint Claudius of Troyes
Blessed Gabriel Pergaud
Saint Praxides of Rome
Saint Iosephus Wang Yumei
Saint Simeon Salus
Blessed Antonio Caba Pozo
Blessed Parthenius of Thessaly
Blessed Juan de Las Varillas
Blessed AgrĂcola RodrĂguez GarcĂa de Los Huertos
Saint Julia of Troyes
Saint Jucundinus of Troyes
Saint Barhadbescialas
Saint Eternus of Evreux
Saint Eleutherius of Marseille
Saint Julia of Troyes
Saint Julia was born in the 3rd century AD in Troyes, France.
The forces of the Roman emperor Aurelian captured her as a spoil of war following the victory over Tetricus.
She was given out as a prize to an army officer called Claudius of Troyes. St Julia converted him, and they were martyred together by being beheaded in 273 AD at Troyes, France.
Saint Jucundinus of Troyes
St Jucundinus of Troyes was martyred in the persecutions of Aurelian in 273 AD at Troyes, Gaul in modern France. His relics are kept at the Benedictine convent in Jouarre, France.
Saint Barhadbescialas
St Barhadbescialas was also known as Barhadbesciabas. He was a Deacon who was martyred in 354 AD, in the persecutions of Sapor II.
The Acts during his martyrdom, which were written in Aramaic, have survived.
Saint Eternus of Evreux
St Eternus of Evreux was also known as Éterne, Aeternus, Ethernus, or Detherus. He was the Bishop of Evreux, France. He died in 660 AD.
Saint Eleutherius of Marseille
St Eleutherius of Marseille was also known as Deutherius or Eleuterius. He was a young martyr who died in 290 AD in Marseilles, France at the tomb of Saint Victor.
Saint Justus of Troyes
St Justus of Troyes was martyred in 273 AD at Troyes, Gaul now in modern France, during the persecutions of Aurelian. His relics are kept at the Benedictine convent in Jouarre, France.
Saint Benignus of Moyenmoutier
St Benignus was a twin brother of Saint John. He was a monk at Moyenmoutier and a spiritual student of Saint Hidulphus. In 707 AD, he died of natural causes.
Blessed Juan de Zambrana
Blessed Juan de Zambrana was a Mercedarian friar. He was sent as one of the first missionaries to Guatemala in 1535 AD. He built the Mercedarian Convent of San Giacomo in Santiago, Guatemala.
Saint John of Moyenmoutier
St John of Moyenmoutier was a Twin brother of Saint Benignus. He was a monk at Moyenmoutier and a spiritual student of Saint Hidulphus. In 707 AD, he died of natural causes.
Saint Zoticus of Comana
St Zoticus of Comana was the Bishop of Comana, Italy. He fought against the Montanist heresy. In 204 AD he was martyred in the persecutions of Septimius Severus.
Saint Wastrada
St Wastrada was the mother of Saint Gregory of Utrecht. She became a nun in her later years. In 760 AD, she died of natural causes and was buried at Susteren Abbey.
Blessed Daniel Molini
Blessed Daniel Molini was also known as Daniele. He was a Cistercian monk, abbot, and confessor and was born in Venice, Italy.
Saint John of Edessa
St John was born in the 6th century AD. He was a Syrian Monk at Edessa, Syria, and a longtime friend of Saint Simeon Salus.
Blessed Claudius of Avignon
Blessed Claudius was a Franciscan friar in the Avignon region of France.
Saint Corona of Marseille
St Corona died as a martyr in 290 AD in Marseille, France
Martyrs of Africa
Martyrs of Africa are a group of six Christians who were martyred together on an unknown date and location in Africa.
Their names are
- Emilian
- Hugal
- Motanus
- Saphus
- Stercorius
- Victor

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