This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 10 2024.
👉 Saint John of Avila
👉 Saint Damien de Veuster of Moloka’i, Priest
Blessed Beatrix of Este the Elder
Blessed Giusto Santgelp
Blessed Giusto Santgelp was born in France to the France nobility. He lived as a Secular Mercedarian Knight and ransomed 200 Christian slaves from the Saracens in Muslim-occupied Granada, Spain in the year 1284 AD.
He passed away in the Mercedarian convent of Saint Anthony the Abbot in Tarragona, Spain.
Saint Palmatius of Rome
Saint Palmatius of Rome lived as a Roman imperial consul. He was murdered as a martyr after being beheaded alongside his wife, children and 42 members of his household, whose names have not yet been found, during the persecutions of Emperor Alexander Severus in the year 232 AD in Rome, Italy.
The heads of all the martyrs of that incident were placed over the gates of Rome as a warning to other Christians.
Saint Simplicius of Rome
Saint Simplicius of Rome lived as a Roman imperial senator. He was believed to have been murdered as a martyr after being beheaded alongside 68 members of his household during the persecutions of Emperor Alexander Severus in the year 232 AD in Rome, Italy and the heads of the martyrs placed over the Roman gates as a warning sign to other Christians.
Saint Epimachus of Rome
Saint Epimachus of Rome was believed to have been killed as a martyr after being burnt at the stake, during the persecutions of Decius in Alexandria Egypt in the year 250 AD.
His relics were later transferred to a crypt near Rome, Italy.
Saint Felix of Rome
Saint Felix of Rome was married to Saint Blanda of Rome and was martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Alexander Severus after being beheaded in the year 232 AD in Rome, Italy.
His head was placed over a gate into Rome as a warning to other Christians.
Saint Blanda of Rome
Saint Blanda of Rome was married to Saint Felix of Rome and was martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Alexander Severus after being beheaded in the year 232 AD in Rome, Italy.
His head was placed over a gate into Rome as a warning to other Christians.
Saint Aurelian of Limoges
Saint Aurelian of Limoges lived as a spiritual student of Saint Martial of Limoges and as a Bishop of Limoges, France.
His time of death is inconclusive but his relics are enshrined at the Chapelle Saint-Aurelian, Limoges, France.
Blessed William of Pontoise
Blessed William of Pontoise was born in England and may have lived as a Benedictine monk and also as a hermit at Pontoise, France.
He died in the year 1192 AD of natural causes.
Saint Quartus of Capua
Saint Quartus of Capua was born in Capua, Italy and was believed to have been martyred in Rome, Italy. His relics are enshrined at Capua, Italy.
Saint Quintus of Capua
Saint Quintus of Capua was born in Capua, Italy and was believed to have died as a martyr in Rome, Italy with his relics enshrined at Capua, Italy.
Blessed Antonio of Norcia
Blessed Antonio of Norcia was said to have lived as a lay Franciscan and died in Norcia, Italy due to natural causes.
Saint Dioscorides of Smyrna
Saint Dioscorides of Smyrna was murdered as a martyr at Smyrna, Asia Minor.
Saint Thecla
Saint Thecla was believed to have been murdered as a martyr.
Other Saint of the Day for May 10 2024
- Frodoino
- Miro Canzo

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