Saint of the Day for May 19 2024

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Today is Sunday, September 29, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is May 19 2024.

Saint Ivo of Kermartin

Saint Dunstan of Canterbury

Pope Saint Celestine V

Saint Verena Bütler

Saint Crispin of Viterbo

Blessed Alcuin

Blessed Augustine Novello

Blessed Peter Wright

Blessed Jean-Baptiste-Xavier Loir

Saint Calocerus of Rome

Saint Theophilus of Corte

Saint Parthenius of Rome

Blessed Józef Czempiel

Saint Pudentiana of Rome

Blessed Louis Rafiringa

Saint Pudens of Rome

Blessed Juan of San Domenico

Blessed Humiliana de’ Cerchi

Blessed Lucinio Fontanil Medina

Blessed Lucinio Fontanil Medina, also known as Primitivo of Villamizar was born on 12th February of 1884 in Villamizar, León, Spain and lived as a Franciscan Capuchin monk.

She was said to have been martyred in the Spanish Civil War on the 19th of May 1937 in Madrid, Spain. She was beatified on the 13th of October 2013 by Pope Francis.

Pope Saint Urban I

Pope Saint Urban I was born in Rome, Italy and was the son of Pontianus. He was pope during a peaceful time and relative growth in the church and continued the orthodox papal opposition to Hippolytus of Rome and his schismatics.

Son of Pontianus. Pope during a time of relative peace and growth in the Church. Continued the orthodox papal opposition to Hippolytus of Rome and his schismatics. His papal ascension was in 222 AD and he died on the 23rd of May 230 AD.

Saint Cyriaca of Nicomedia

Saint Cyriaca of Nicomedia was a christian maiden who was tortured and said to have been martyred alongside five others whose names are unknown by being burnt to death in 307 AD in Nicomedia during the persecutions of Maximilian Galerius.

Blessed Peter de Duenas

Blessed Peter de Duenas was born in 1378 in Valencia, Spain and lived as a Franciscan. He and blessed John de Cetina began preaching to the Moors in Granada, Spain in 1396. He died as a martyr after being beheaded in Granada Spain in 1397 AD.

Blessed Juan of Cetina

Blessed Juan of Cetina was born in Spain and lived as a Franciscan. He was working as a missionary with Blessed Peter de Dueñas to the Moors in Granada, Spain. He was murdered as a martyr after being beheaded in 1397 in Granada, Spain.

Saint Philoterus

Saint Philoterus was born in Nicomedia (in modern Turkey), to the nobility and the son of imperial Roman proconsul Pacian. He was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian in the year 303 AD.

Saint Evonio of Auvergne

Saint Evonio of Auvergne was also known as Enonio, Igonio or Ivonio and no other information exists about him though his name appears in a list of saints from as early as 950.

Saint Hadulph of Arras

Saint Hadulph of Arras lived as a benedictine monk, a priest and an Abbott of Saint-Vaast abbey. He also became bishop of Arras-Cambrai, France. He died in the year 728 AD due to natural causes.

Saint Cyril of Trier

Saint Cyril of Trier was said to have lived as a bishop of Tier, Germany in the 5th century. He later died at a time unknown and his relics are enshrined in the church of Saint Matthias, Trier, Germany.

Other Saints of the Day for May 19 2024

  • Pina Suriano
  • Lupo of Sagra
  • Hans Wagner
  • Clement of Osimo
  • Ciarán, Son of Colga
  • Adolf of Cambrai
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 19 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is May 19 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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