Saint of the Day for October 13 2024

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Today is Monday, March 3, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 13 2024.

👉 Saint Gerald of Aurillac

Saint Lubentius

Blessed Magdalen Panattieri

Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa

Saint Simbert of Augsburg

Saint Chelidonia

Saint Regimbald of Speyer

Saint Benedict of Cupra

Saint Comgan the Monk

St Comgan the Monk was born to Irish royalty. He was the son of a prince of Leinster, Ireland, the brother of Saint Kentigern, and the nephew of Saint Fillan.

When he was a soldier, he was wounded in a battle with a neighbouring clan. Thereafter, he and his sister fled to Scotland where he became a monk at Lochaise. After his death, buried on the island of Iona Abbey, Scotland.

Blessed Gebrand of Klaarkamp

Blessed Gebrand of Klaarkamp was also known as Gebrand of Bloemkamp. He was born in Foigny, Laonnais now in modern-day France.

He was a Benedictine Cistercian monk. He became an abbot of the monastery at Klaarkamp, Frisia. In 1191 AD, he founded the house at Bloemkamp. He died of natural causes in 1218 AD.

Saint Romulus of Genoa

St Romulus of Genoa was also known as Remo, Romolo or Roemu. He was the Bishop of Genoa, Italy, and a renowned theologian.

He died in Matuziano now in modern-day Sanremo, Italy in 641 AD. He is the patron saint of Sanremo, Italy.

Saint Leobono of Salagnac

St Leobono of Salagnac was a Holy hermit in 600 AD, in the region of Salagnac, now Grand-Bourg, diocese of Limoges, France. After his death, his relics were enshrined in Grand-Bourg, France.

Saint Florence of Thessalonica

St Florence of Thessalonica was tortured, burned at the stake, and martyred in 312 AD in Thessalonica during the persecutions of Emperor Maximinus Daza.

Saint Venantius

St Venantius was also known as Venancio or Venancius. He got married while still a youth. His wife gave him permission to become a monk. Thereafter he became an abbot at Saint Martin Abbey in Tours, France in the 5th century.

Saint Carpus of Troas

St Carpus of Troas was a convert in the first century with whom Saint Paul the Apostle (2 Timothy 4:13) says “he had left his cloak.”

Saint Berthoald of Cambrai

St Berthoald of Cambrai was also known as Bertoald. He was a bishop of Cambrai, France in the seventh century.

Saint Fyncana

St Fyncana was a martyr who died in Scotland.

Saint Fyndoca

St Fyndoca was a martyr who died in Scotland.

Three Crowns of Cordoba

The Three Crowns of Cordoba were the three Christian men who were burned to death and martyred in 304 AD in Cordoba, Spain during the persecutions of Diocletian

Their names are;

  • Faustus
  • Januarius
  • Martial 

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  • Tomás Pallarés Ibáñez
  • Salustiano González Crespo
  • Ruperto García Arce
  • Joan Puig Serra
  • Herminio Motos Torrecillas
  • Francesc Mitjá i Mitjá
  • Antonio Ayet Canós
  • Àngel Presta Batllé

Other Saints of the Day for October 13 2024

  • Peter Adriano Toulorge
  • Parasceve the Younger
  • Lunaire
  • Gerard
  • Francis de Torquemada
  • Alfonso Ossorio

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 13 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 13 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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