Blessed Maria Bagnesi – Feast Day – May 28

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Blessed Maria Bagnesi, also known as Mary Bartolomea Bagnesi, was a Dominican tertiary. She was born on August 15 1514 in Florence, Italy and died on May 28 1577 in Florence, Italy. We celebrate her feast day on May 28 every year in the Catholic Church.

Blessed Maria Bagnesi Biography
Blessed Maria Bagnesi - Feast Day - May 28
Blessed Maria Bagnesi – Feast Day – May 28
Date of Birth August 15 1514
Place of Birth Florence, Italy
Place of Work Florence, Italy
Date of Death May 28 1577
Place of Death Florence, Italy
Feast Day May 28
Beatification By Pope Pius VII on July 11 1804 by cultus confirmation
Patron Saint of • Abuse victims
• Against the death of parents
• Sick people

Blessed Maria Bagnesi Life History

Maria Bagnesi was a beautiful and happy girl whose mother frequently neglected her and many a times left her to be cared for by her sister who was a Dominican nun. Most of the time she was in her sister’s convent which was very instrumental in influencing her four sisters to join religious life.

Maria’s father arranged a marriage for her, a decision that made her faint in horror. This situation made her very sick, bedridden, and unable to walk. Maria’s sickness made her father get hoodwinked by quacks and con men for a very long time to the detriment of her health.

Maria was hindered from joining the convent by her state of health and being bedridden, nevertheless, she became a Dominican tertiary in 1544. Sooner she was able to leave her bed and walk for brief periods. Unfortunately, due to frequent unprofessional treatments by the quacks, she got bedridden again.

On her bed, she started to have visions and have conversations with angels and saints. Despite her neighbors saying that she was possessed by evil spirits, the local priest who had become her spiritual advisor, dispelled all those fears.

This reassurances by the priest led to people visiting Maria’s room for peace advice and wisdom. Local animals especially cats would come to her room and sleep on her bed.

Maria had a deep devotion to Saint Bartholomew the Apostle to a point that she added his name to hers.

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