The Holy Week Catholic Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzle

The Holy Week Crossword Puzzle

Use your knowledge about Catholic Liturgy to solve this Holy Week Crossword Puzzle. This Holy Week puzzle tests whether you know the Catholic Liturgy and what happens during the Holy Week and what we are [Read More …]

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The Lord’s Prayer Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzle

The Lord’s Prayer Crossword Puzzle

To solve this Lord’s Prayer Crossword Puzzle, you will first need to read the Gospel reading for Tuesday of the First Week of Lent. The reading is about Jesus teaching His disciples how to pray. [Read More …]

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Catholic Lent Crossword Puzzle
Crossword Puzzle

Lent Crossword Puzzle for 2023

This Catholic Lent Crossword Puzzle for Lenten season provides a great way for Catholics to test how much they know about the faith, liturgy, obligations, and all activities in the lenten season while also enjoying [Read More …]

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