Holy Transfiguration Russian Orthodox Cаthedral, Los Angeles, California – Address, Contacts, Location, Mass Schedules, Confession Hours, Telephone Number, Adoration Schedule, Google Map/Coordinates
Los Angeles, California 90027,
United States of America (USA)
Phone Number: +1 (323) 469-0366
Website: www.russianchurch.org/
Email Address: info@russianchurch.org
Archdiocese: Belongs to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Google Map Coordinates: 34.095487, -118.307939
Holy Transfiguration Russian Orthodox Cаthedral Los Angeles Mass Schedule
Sunday: 9:30 am
Saturday:8:30 am
6:00 pm Vigil
Holy Transfiguration Russian Orthodox Cаthedral Los Angeles Parish Office Days and Hours
Pending Update
Parish Confession Days and Time
Pending Update
Holy Transfiguration Russian Orthodox Cаthedral Los Angeles Chapel Adoration Schedule
Pending Update
Holy Transfiguration Russian Orthodox Cаthedral Los Angeles Short History
At the end of 1929 there appeared an idea to have the second church in the City. On March 17, 1930, there was held the first meeting of the initiative group at the house of Mr. S. L. Volchenko.
They collected $50.00 which was sent to Harbin, Manchuria, to Rev. Nicholas Kicklovich, who arrived on the Holiday of Trinity and held first liturgy on May 13, 1930.
Rev. Znamensky worked hard toward, organizing the church, often not thinking about his well-being and of his family. The parish grew to 84 members. Mr. I. F. Larkin made new iconostasis without charging for it.
At present the Church is in ideal order and reminds one of Russian Orthodox-Greek-Catholic Churches back in Russia. For our younger generation it is a house of prayers and also is the means of spreading our Greek Orthodox religion.

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