St Mark The Evangelist Catholic Church Birmingham, Alabama, USA

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Today is Tuesday, February 25, 2025

St Mark The Evangelist Catholic Church, Birmingham, Alabama – Address, Contacts

St Mark The Evangelist Catholic Church is located in 7340 Cahaba Valley Rd., Birmingham and belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama 35242, United States of America (USA).

Street Address: 7340 Cahaba Valley Rd.
Birmingham, Alabama 35242, United States of America (USA)

Phone Number: 205-980-1810
Email Address:
DioceseBelongs to the Diocese of Birmingham
Google Map Coordinates33.435822, -86.665109

St Mark The Evangelist Catholic Church Birmingham Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil-  4:00 pm
Sunday- 7:45 am and 10:30 am

Wednesday- 6:00 pm
Thursday and Friday- 8:30 am
First Saturday- 9:00 am

St Mark The Evangelist Catholic Church Birmingham Parish Office Days and Hours

Monday- Closed
Tuesday through Thursday- 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Friday- 8:30 am to 1:30 pm

Parish Confession Days and Time

Saturday (2:30 – 3:30 pm) or by appointment

St Mark The Evangelist Catholic Church Birmingham Chapel Adoration Schedule

Monday through Thursday- (6 am to 7 pm
Friday- ( 6 am to 3:30 pm)
Saturday and Sunday- 6:00 am to 7:00 pm
First Friday Exposition-  9:00 am to 12:00 Noon

Parish Short History

In 1905, the first Catholic Church in the Birmingham area was built at the Thomas Station,  near the area of Ensley, Alabama.

Reverend John B. Canapa was the pastor of this church. As parishioners moved away from the area, the congregation declined, and Saint Mark was closed in 1997. Still to date at 1010 16th Avenue West, East Thomas, the original building remains Alabama. Upon the closing of Saint Mark, the remaining parishioners were promised that a new Saint Mark would be built in Birmingham. Much of the interior was removed with plans to install it in the future church.

St Mark The Evangelist Catholic Church Birmingham, Alabama, USA

The new Saint Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church was announced to be built south and east of Birmingham, and on May 23, 1999, the Feast of Pentecost, Bishop David Foley with concelebrant Fathers Patrick Murphy, Brian Egan and Crescenzio DeFazio celebrated the first Mass in Greystone Elementary School with the members of this newly formed church. Father Patrick Murphy was appointed as the first pastor.
Father Murphy organized a building committee to begin to consolidate design concepts for the new structure. The church was to be built in the form of a cross, known in architectural language as cruciform. The ceiling of the structure is 57 feet high, and the bell tower reaches 105 feet. It was designed to seat 1020 worshipers.

Parish Google Map

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