Saint Margaret of Hungary Feast Day – January 18 – Saint of the Day

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Today is Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Memorial of Saint Margaret of Hungary

Saint Margaret of Hungary is the Patron Saint of Against flood

Saint Margaret of Hungary Feast Day, Date of Birth, Country of Birth, Profession, Place of Work, Date of Death, Place of Death, Feast Day, Beatification Date, Canonization Date, Matrimony/Holy Orders, Nuns/Sisters who became Saints

Today’s Readings  Year C

Saint Margaret of Hungary brief life History

Date of Birth 1242 AD
Country of Birth Hungary in Europe
Profession Nun and Virgin
Place of Work Hungary
Date of Death 18 January 1271
Place of Death Budapest, Hungary
Feast Day January 18
Beatification By Pope Pius VI on July 28, 1789
Canonization By Pope Pius XII on November 19, 1943
Patron Saint of Against flood

Saint Margaret of Hungary Short life History

Saint Margaret of Hungary is also known as Marguerite. She was the daughter of King Bela IV of Hungary and Marie Laskaris; grand-daughter of the Byzantine emperor.

When Hungary was freed from the Tatars, her parents had pledged their next child to God. To keep this promise, Margaret was placed in a Dominican convent at Veszprem, Hungary at age 3 and Blessed Helen of Hungary served as her novice mistress.

She transferred at age ten to the convent of the Blessed Virgin founded by her parents on the Hasen Insel near Buda, where she lived the rest of her life.

At one point her father arranged a marriage for her to King Ottokar II of Bohemia, but she adamantly refused. She took vows at age 18. Known for severe self-imposed penances, and for kindness to those of lower social station. The investigation for her canonization lists 27 miracles including healings and a case of awakening from death.

Saint Margaret of Hungary died on 18 January 1271 at Budapest, Hungary.

Today’s Saint Margaret of Hungary Feast Day Quote:

Her relics were given to the Poor Clares at Pozsony (modern Bratislava, Slovak Republic) when the Dominican Order in the area was dissolved. Most of her relics were destroyed in 1789, but some are still preserved at Gran, Gyor, Pannonhalma, Hungary

Saint Margaret of Hungary Feast Day
Saint Margaret of Hungary Feast Day

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