Christ the King Catholic Church Daphne, Alabama, USA

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Today is Thursday, March 6, 2025



Christ the King Catholic Church, Daphne, Alabama – Address, Contacts

Christ the King Catholic Church is located in 711 College Ave,, Daphne and belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama 36526, United States of America (USA).





The table below gives the fine details of
Christ the King Catholic Church Daphne


Street Address: 711 College Ave,
Daphne, Alabama 36526, United States of America (USA)

Phone Number: : (251) 626-2343
Email Address:


Diocese Belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham
Google Map Coordinates 30.599907, -87.903871


Christ the King Catholic Church Daphne Mass Schedule

Saturday- 5:30 pm
Sunday- 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM
                1:00 PM Bilingual (Spanish/English, First Sunday of the Month)
                 5:00 PM (Life Teen)
Monday and Friday- 7:00 AM
Saturday-  8:00 AM



Christ the King Catholic Church Daphne Parish Office Days and Hours

Pending update


Parish Confession Days and Time

Saturday-  4:00 pm to 5:15 pm or by appointment



Christ the King Catholic Church Daphne Chapel Adoration Schedule

Perpetual- 24 Hour Adoration, Blessed Sacrament Chapel.



Parish Short History

In June 1895, land was purchased in Daphne for a Catholic church. The Church of the Assumption was built by the early Italian colonists.

Father Angelo Chiariglione, a Scalbrini missionary from Torino, Italy, was the first resident pastor (1898-1909).

In 1898, the Queen of Italy, Margherita of Savoy, sent a gift of rich vestments, an illuminated missal, a chalice, monstrance, candlesticks and other articles. The vestments are on display in a special case in the church vestibule today.

Bishop Thomas Toolen in 1937, blessed the cornerstone of a new church on October 24th and the parish name was changed to Christ the King. Father James Loftus was the pastor at the time. This church still stands today on the Christ the King campus. It was renamed “Assumption Hall” in honor of the parish’s roots, and is used for ministry and social functions daily.


Christ the King Catholic Church Daphne, Alabama, USA

Parish Google Map

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