Deliverance Prayer – Deliverance Prayer Catholic

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Today is Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Deliverance Prayer

As human beings, it is normal for us to lose our way. When this happens it is important to say a deliverance prayer, to ask God for salvation. The importance of salvation is evident by the act of God sending us his only son, to die on the cross for our sins.

No one is pure and free of sin. As such we constantly need to keep praying to God for deliverance. It could be deliverance from any number of situations, not just sin. Our Lord Jesus taught us how to pray to God correctly. Using His example we should be able to ask our Heavenly Father for deliverance and guidance. Some great prayers for deliverance include:

Deliverance Prayer

Deliverance Prayer

Prayer for Deliverance and Healing

“Heavenly Father, thank you for your precious grace and mercy. Lord, thank you, for letting me see another day. Father, thank you, for a new direction and fresh hope. God, as I go through life trying to get close to where you would have me, I’m grateful. That you have never left my side no matter the situation, no matter the state, no matter my mistakes. Lord God, as I continue to move forward with each day, I thank you for your light that keeps on shinning within. For your powerful hands that continue to hold and your gracious love that protects me. Lord, You took a sinner like me, the least of those expected. You are using me for your glory. In circumstances that I didn’t ask for, but you chose me for what role you have in mind.

Blessed God, I ask that the same merciful hand and love be extended to those who are in pain and hurting. Lord, may you continue to change the atmosphere Lord so that your light shines on for eternity. Creator of heaven and the earth. God please continue showering your love throughout this nation to those who don’t know love. Those who don’t know you, or just desire to be in your presence. Father, may they get to know unconditional love through you. I pray that you continue to touch, heal and deliver, send help for those who are in need. Release those who are in spiritual bondage, heal those who are in pain. Send good news to those who are in need of help. Comfort those who are lonely. Strengthen those who feel weak. Give wisdom to those who are confused.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”

Deliverance Prayer Catholic

“By the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Through the power of His cross, His blood, and His resurrection. I bind you Satan, the spirits, powers and forces of darkness. All the nether world, and the evil spirits of nature.

Lord, I take dominion over all curses, hexes, demonic activity and spells directed against me, my relationships, ministry attempt, finances, and the work of my hands. and I break them by the power and authority of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus, I stand in the power of the Lord Father Almighty. To end all demonic interaction, interchange and communications between spirits sent against me. Lord, send them directly to Jesus Christ for him to deal with as he pleases.

Lord, I ask for forgiveness and renounce all negative inner promises that I have made with the enemy. I pray that Jesus Christ releases me from these vows and from any bondage they may have held in me. I request the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Almighty God, over every aspect of my life for my protection. Amen.”

Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies

“Holy, Almighty Father, we come to you with hearts that are burdened. We need you, in humility before You, and Your Help. Lord, in these great and sore problems Father, we ask You to Answer our prayers. God, We need You, Send forward Your Help! We will rejoice in joy and celebrate in Your Victory, and in the Name of our Lord we will set up our standards. Lord, Fulfil all our requests. Answer us from Your Holy Kingdom with The Mighty Acts of Your Saving Right Hand. Deliver us, Father, from the enemies that surround us.

Lord, we beg You to Deliver us from our enemies. Deliver the people affected by human trafficking, especially Father, the children. Deliver them from those who persecute and use them against their will.

Lord, we remind You of Your Words that Say You Will Deliver us from our foes. Deliver those people caught up in human trafficking, God! Deliver them as only You Can Do! Send to them Your Mighty Angels, Father! Assign them to Set the hosteges free!

Father, Deliver these children and adults who have been forced into sexual servitude! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

A Prayer for Deliverance

“Loving God, Your Name is holy. Father, You are our safe place. It is You who guards us against trouble and surrounds us with songs of victory. God, with all of our hearts, we offer thanks to You, Mighty Lord. We submit ourselves before Your holy temple as we worship. We praise Your Name for Your uninterrupted love and faithfulness; Your promises are supported by all the honor of Your Name. Father, we thank You for listening from heaven and blessing us.

God, we proclaim that the laws of the Spirit of life in Christ make us free from the law of sin and death. Therefore, we admit that our Church, Family members, relatives, friends, and co-workers who are held prisoner by the bondage of sin will be freed through Jesus. Lord, We declare that they will cast off their old sinful nature and way of living. Which is corrupted by lust and deception. Father, We profess that they will be renewed in the spirit of their minds, by putting on the new nature. Created to be like God, righteous and holy.

Father, we profess that they will put away lying, and each one of them will speak only truth with their neighbor. As they do this, we proclaim that they will give no place to Satan. Lord, we declare that they will not declare war as humans do, but they will use Your glorious weapons, not worldly weapons, to break down the strongholds of human reasoning and false arguments in their minds. Father, we remove every proud obstacle that stops them from knowing You. Father, we declare that their thoughts are held hostage to the obedience of Christ. We condemn addictions, ungodly habits and strongholds to be broken, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

Prayer for Deliverance from Evil

“In the name of our Lord Jesus, I take authority and I bring together
all the powers and forces in the air, on the ground, in
the water, in the underground, in the nether world,
in nature and in of fire.

God, You are the Master over the entire
universe and I give you glory for Your creation. In
the name of Christ, I dispell all evil and demonic forces that
have come against us and our families. Father, I cover all
of us in the protection of Your Most Precious Blood
that was poured for us on the Cross.

Mary our Blessed Mother, we ask for Your protection and
intercession with the Sacred Heart of Jesus for us
and our families. Encompass us with Your mantle
of love to discourage the enemy.

Lord, send to us St. Michael and our Guardian
Angels. That they may come and defend us and our families in
against all the evil ones that roam the earth.

In the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, I condemn and
command all the powers and forces of evil to leave
right now away from us, our homes, and our
lands. I thank You
Lord Jesus, our rock, our
protector and our refuge, for You are a faithful and
compassionate God. AMEN”

Self Deliverance Prayer

“Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, come down upon me. Please cleanse me, mold me, fill me with your spirit, and use me. Remove all the forces of evil from me; destroy them, annihilate them so that I can be healthy and do good deeds.

Father, take from me all curses, spells, hexes, witchcraft, black magic, demonic interactions, malfeasance, and the evil eye. All demonic infestations, oppressions, possessions. Also, all that is evil and sinful. Banish jealousy, treachery, envy; all physical, psychological, moral, spiritual and diabolical affliction. Father, take as well, all tempting spirits, deaf, dumb, blind, mute and sleeping spirits. As well as new-age spirits, occult spirits, religious spirits, antichrist spirits, and any other spirits of death and darkness.

Lord, I command and bid all the powers who molest me. By the power of the Almighty God, by the power of Jesus Christ my Savior. To leave me forever, and to be dispatched into the eternal lake of fire, that they may never again touch me or any other creature in the entire world. Amen.”

Prayer for Repentance and Deliverance

“Heavenly Father, I ask that you do not remember the sins of my youth, or my transgressions. Lord, please remember me according to Your mercy and for Your goodness’ sake, Dear God. Lord, I turn away from all of those trespasses that I committed and I pray for Your help in cleaning the memory and thoughts of those sins entirely from my mind. Please return me to faithful obedience to Your Word, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit afresh, so that I may follow Your commands all the days of my life. (Based on Psalm 25:7)

“Loving Jesus, I invite you into my heart afresh today, and I beg for forgiveness for all of my sins. Lord Jesus, thank you for dying for my sins and for forgiving me of them by shedding your blood for me on the cross. Please remove all the sinful “old things” in my heart that harm me, especially (Fill in the Blank) and replace them with the “good things” that you wish to grow into to my life. Father, please cleanse all the sinful sludge and tendencies toward evil. Lord, replace them with a hunger and thirst for your righteousness. I need your assistance, Lord God, in living this new life in Christ. Please send your Holy Spirit anew into my life to help me, heal me, lead me and change me. In Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.” (Mark 7:21-23 & 2 Corinthians 5:17)

Prayer for Inner Healing and Deliverance

Loving Jesus, You came to mend our wounded and troubled hearts. Lord, I beg of You to heal the torments that cause worry in my heart. God, I pray, to You, in a particular way, to heal all who are the triggers of sin. I ask You to intervene in my life and heal me of the psychological wounds that struck me in my early years and form the injuries that they caused throughout my life.

Christ Jesus, You understand my burdens. I put them all on Your Good Shepherd’s Hands. I beg You by the power of the great, open wound in Your heart to heal the tiny wounds that are in mine. Lord, heal the pain of my memories, so that nothing that has occurred in my life will cause me to remain in pain and anguish, filled with worry.

Father, heal all those wounds that have been the root of all the evil that is rooted in my life. I want to forgive all those who have wronged me. Look to those inner wounds that make me unable to forgive. You Who came to forgive the troubled of heart, please, heal my own heart.

Loving Lord Jesus, heal those personal wounds that cause me physical illness. I give You my heart. Accept it, Lord, purify it and give me the feeling of Your Divine Heart. Help me to be meek and humble.

Heal me, Almighty Lord, from the hurt caused by the death of my loved ones, which is affecting me. Allow me to regain peace and joy in the knowledge that You are the Resurrection and the Life. Make me a legitimate witness to Your Resurrection, Your victory over sin and death, Your living presence among us.


Blood of Jesus Prayer and Deliverance

“Loving God, I come before You in Jesus’ name. Father God, thank You that Your Word says I should prosper and be in health, even as my soul prospers. Thank You that Your Word says I am healed by the stripes of Jesus, and that You sent Your Word, Jesus, and healed my disease.

So Father God, because of the blood Jesus shed on Calvary—that same blood that made a way for me to approach You and receive forgiveness for all of my sins—and because of the terrible, bloody scourging Jesus endured to purchase my healing, I ask right now that You would heal my body. Let Your healing power course through my veins right now, and heal me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.

Lord Jesus, because You paid the price with Your blood and body for me to be healed right now, please make my body come into alignment with the perfect healing You paid for me to have. Let my brain think right in every area. Let my organs function perfectly. Lord, let my blood be full of the right things and free from the wrong things. Remove every invading germ, virus, bacteria, malfunction, and malignant cell from my body, and restore any damage done to my body by past sicknesses.

Thank You, Father. Thank You that these things are done for me by the blood of Jesus. I receive Your healing right now, and I give You all the praise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayer for Family Deliverance

“All powerful God in Heaven, I come before you as a broken person in need of your healing touch today. Lord, I would ask that you lead my steps and protect me along the journey. Father, it feels like I am being attacked from every angle and feel as if I am being crushed. I ask that You go before me, deal with my enemies and protect both me and my family. I trust that You are capable and willing to do so and I rest in the wing of Your protection. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, AMEN.”

Deliverance Prayer for my Child

“Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I come to you praying for my child [full name] to be free from all generational sins, iniquities, and their results, which may have an influence upon my child. Lord, I thank you for saving me and cleansing me of my sin. I confess that I belong to you, and I dedicate my child [give full name] to you.

I now confess and repent of all my sins, known and unknown. God, I now confess the sins of my forefathers. In the name and through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I now renounce and ask you to break the power of all generational sins, iniquities, and curses that were passed down to me by the sins or actions of others. I now renounce and ask you to break and loose me and my family from all demonic subjection that would seek to influence or control me or my family in any way contrary to the Word or will of God. Father, I claim release and freedom through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that my son/daughter would fear you, and that from now on righteousness would be the heritage of my family, of my children, and of our future generations.

Lord, I pray that [give full name] will receive you as his/her Savior at an early age. Place within his/her heart a desire to follow you all the days of his/her life. Keep him/her pure and willing to wait until you reveal your life partner for him/her in your perfect will. If it is your will for him/her to be married, I ask that you would set apart for yourself a life partner for him/her and that he/she would keep himself/herself pure. Amen.”

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The founder of is Laban Thua Gachie. I am a Commissioned Lector, a commissioned Liturgy Minister, and a Commissioned member of the Catholic Men Association. We at Catholic Daily Readings, operate the, a Catholic Church-related website and we pride ourself in providing you, on a daily basis the following; 1. Catholic Daily Mass Readings 2. Reflections on those Daily Readings 3. Daily prayers 4. Bible Verse of the Day 5. Saint of the Day