Dolores Mission Catholic Church Los Angeles, California, USA

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Today is Thursday, March 13, 2025

Dolores Mission Catholic Church, Los Angeles, California – Address, Contacts, Location, Mass Schedules, Confession Hours, Telephone Number, Adoration Schedule, Google Map/Coordinates

Dolores Mission Catholic Church Los Angeles is located in

171 South Gless Street,
Los Angeles, California 90033,
United States of America (USA)

Phone Number: +1 323-881-0039

Email Address:
Archdiocese: Belongs to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Google Map Coordinates: 34.045692, -118.223330

Dolores Mission Catholic Church Los Angeles Mass Schedule

Sundays: 7:30 am (Spanish)
9:00 am (English)
10:30 am (Spanish)
12:00 pm (Spanish)
5:00 pm (Spanish)

Monday – Saturday
5:00 pm (Spanish)

Dolores Mission Catholic Church Los Angeles Parish Office Days and Hours

Pending Update

Parish Confession Days and Time

By appointment.

Dolores Mission Catholic Church Los Angeles Chapel Adoration Schedule

Pending update

Dolores Mission Catholic Church Los Angeles Short History

What characterizes the charisma of Dolores Mission, a parish created in “the Flats” east of downtown Los Angeles, is its continuous and dedicated service to the poor, the immigrant and to social justice. When the church began in 1925, it depended upon the supportive priests from nearby St. Mary’s Parish. In 1945 the parish received a donated building which was established at its current site, on the corner of Gless and Third Streets, and was named, “The Mission of Nuestra Senora de los Dolores.”
The Canonness of St. Augustine (later named the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart) from Belgium came in 1946. They served for 45 years at the parish and school.
In 1980, because the Belgium order had too few members to staff the parish, Cardinal Manning asked the Jesuit order to take charge of the mission
Currently, Dolores Mission Church and School do a lot with a little to serve what is still today a low income population of “the Flats” of Boyle Heights.

Dolores Mission Catholic Church Los Angeles, California, USA
Dolores Mission Catholic Church Los Angeles, California, USA

Parish Google Map

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