Assumption of Mary Catholic Parish, Umoja is one of the Parishes in the Outering Deanery of the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi, Kenya under the leadership of His Eminence John Cardinal Njue.
The Parish has experienced tremendous growth in the number of Christians Joining the Catholic Church. This is due to the positive impact that the Catholic Church is having in the Umoja community.
Umoja Estate in Nairobi City is a fast growing zone and a major receipient of the huge rural-urban migration being experienced in Kenya especially to the capital Nairobi.
Another cause of the tremendous growth in Christians in Umoja Parish is the huge number of converts from other denominations to the Catholic Church. This is due to the community-focused evangelisation where the clergy and the laity go round the estate to evangelize the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Because of all the above, our Church is undergoing an expansion to build a new Church with a capacity of 4000 christians from the current 1000 christians per one sitting.
Currently, we have 3 masses per Sunday and they are always full to capacity with others standing outside.
This is contrary to what is happening in other parts of the world where there are huge churches but very few faithfuls attending the masses.
God is calling on us at this particular time to help our African Christians in general and Umoja Catholic Parish Nairobi, Kenya in particular. Christians here in Umoja and in Kenya have this strong thirst for the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ and it will be a good ground to harvest bountiful vocations in Priesthood and religious life for evangelisation in Africa and the rest of the world where availability of priests is hurting the Catholic Church.
Therefore, we the faithful of Assumption of Mary Umoja Catholic Church are humbly requesting for donations from well-wishers around the world to construct the House of the Lord.
The total cost of the construction is $ 1 Million. We have already marshalled $ 200,000 from our internal resources which have been barely trickling in due to the severe financial impact of the Covid-19 on our parishioners.
You can first verify this information from the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Bernard Ndichu Mwaura, using the Parish Contacts or the Catholic Archdiocese of Nairobi Contacts. Our Church website is Umoja Catholic Parish.
After verification, you can channel your Donations to our Bank which is the Catholic Church-owned Caritas Microfinance Bank. The Account Numbers and modes of payment can be found at Church Expansion Project
The Lord God says in Luke 10:1-11, The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest. Umoja Catholic Church has a vast resource of these labourers. Please, help us to find these labourers for the Lord and the Lord will send these labourers to your location throughout the world so that the Gospel of the Lord reaches all corners of this great world.
Prayer: Lord God, touch the heart of whoever is reading this donation request. Help him/her realise why God created him/her. After realising that, help him/her serve You with that talent you gave him/her. In that Service help him/her become rich. As he/she becomes rich, help him/her help the pilgrim Church on earth by building your Church so that You find enough labourers to gather Your harvest throughout the world. Amen.
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