I Am The Bread of Life; Whoever Comes To Me Will Never Hunger – John 6:30-35

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Today is Monday, March 24, 2025

May 6 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – I Am The Bread of Life; Whoever Comes To Me Will Never Hunger – John 6:30-35 – Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B, Tuesday of the Third Week of Easter

34 So they said to Jesus, “Sir, give us this bread always.”
35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” – John 6:30-35

Catholic Readings For Today

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Tuesday of the Third Week of Easter

Today’s Morning Prayer

Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections

Wouldn’t it be nice if you were never hungry or thirsty again? What’s fascinating is that Jesus uses these very natural human experiences to teach us about Himself.

He uses natural hunger and thirst to teach us that we long to be satisfied spiritually. And there is only one way to satiate these spiritual longings… through Him.

It is a good spiritual practice to reflect upon your natural longings as an analogy for your spiritual longings. Naturally speaking, we regularly get hungry and thirsty.

We eat and drink, but several hours later we hunger and thirst again. This is a cycle we cannot avoid. Our body continually craves food and drink.

The same is true on a spiritual level. We cannot pray once and satisfy our spiritual longings forever. We cannot simply believe in Jesus and then be satisfied forever. Why? Because prayer and unity with Jesus is something that must take place daily throughout your day.

The Eucharist offers insights into this hunger and thirst in that it provides us with our “daily” food. It is a gift that we must daily seek.

Some of the Sacraments are given to us only once (Baptism and Confirmation). But the Eucharist is a gift that we must continually consume and long for.

The fact that we must continually go to Mass and receive the Eucharist tells us that our Christian life is not something that can be fulfilled by one definitive decision. Rather, it’s something that needs daily nourishment and fulfilment.

What do you do to satisfy this Christian longing every day? Perhaps you cannot attend Mass every day, but do you seek to fulfil your Christian desire for Christ every day? Do you seek Him who is the Bread of Life every day? Do you seek to satiate your thirst with Christ every day?

Loving Jesus and following Him is a decision that must be renewed not only each day, it must also throughout your day. It must be renewed as often as you become physically hungry and thirsty.

Reflect, today, upon these natural longings you have for food and drink to continually remind yourself of your much deeper spiritual longing for Christ.

Praying to Him, listening to Him and receiving Him into your soul is the food that satisfies like nothing else.

Jesus is the true Bread of Life and your true Spiritual Drink. He is what you are made for. Let Him satisfy your deepest desires in life!

Prayer: Lord, I do long for You. I long to be satisfied. Help me to turn to You at all times and in all things. Help me to always remember that You are what I need and You alone satisfy. Jesus, I love You. Amen.

Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

I Am The Bread of Life; Whoever Comes To Me Will Never Hunger - John 6:30-35 - Bible Verse of the Day
I Am The Bread of Life; Whoever Comes To Me Will Never Hunger – John 6:30-35 – Bible Verse of the Day

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About Laban Thua Gachie 10960 Articles
The founder of Catholicreadings.org is Laban Thua Gachie. I am a Commissioned Lector, a commissioned Liturgy Minister, and a Commissioned member of the Catholic Men Association. We at Catholic Daily Readings, operate the catholicreadings.org, a Catholic Church-related website and we pride ourself in providing you, on a daily basis the following; 1. Catholic Daily Mass Readings 2. Reflections on those Daily Readings 3. Daily prayers 4. Bible Verse of the Day 5. Saint of the Day