April 30 2023: Bible Verse of the Day – Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A – Bible Verse of the Day for April 30 2023 – I Came So That You Might Have Life More Abundantly – John 10:1-18
9 I am the gate. Whoever enters through me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture.
John 10:1-18
10 A thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy; I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”
Let us Pray: Lord, I express my gratitude to You for always being there for me as my Shepherd. Additionally, I appreciate those who serve as Your instruments to demonstrate this profound love and devotion.
Please assist me in fulfilling my role as a shepherd for Your people, the individuals You have put in my life. May I never shy away from this wonderful responsibility You have entrusted to me. Jesus, I love You. Amen.
Catholic Readings For Today
Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A
Bible Verse of the Day for April 30 2023 Reflections
Jesus presents a sharp distinction between shepherds, which is relevant to priests, parents, and everyone in their individual way.
The comparison He makes is between those who have a sincere concern for the well-being of those under their protection, and those who simply fulfill their duties without genuine care, being more driven by their own self-interest rather than selfless love.
Jesus demonstrated sacrificial love as the ultimate Shepherd, being willing to do whatever it took for the sake of His sheep.
He did not allow any obstacle, such as suffering, persecution, or rejection, to deter Him from fulfilling His responsibility of caring for us in a total and complete way.
His unwavering commitment to us, even to the point of sacrificing everything, should inspire, console, and encourage us to recognize the depth of His love.
The steadfast affection of a parent, sibling, or close companion serves as a demonstration of love, which can prove to be a valuable source of support during challenging times.
This unwavering love creates a powerful spiritual connection between individuals, which can withstand any adversity.
Regardless of the challenges we face, it’s important to recognize the constant guidance and support of the Divine Shepherd.
Moreover, when we can perceive this love through the unwavering assistance of other people, we receive double the blessings.
However, we should also take note of the opposite scenario. Jesus highlights the behavior of a “hired man” who is not a genuine shepherd and abandons the flock at the sight of danger.
It’s crucial to acknowledge the harm caused by such individuals to the community of believers. By shirking their duty and prioritizing their own interests, they leave the flock unprotected and susceptible to harm.
The hired man’s behavior serves as a representation of the temptation that we all confront at some point in our lives.
It can be challenging to persevere during difficult circumstances, to provide support to those who require it at the right time, and to remain committed to our beliefs without succumbing to fear.
Jesus, as our Shepherd, demonstrates unwavering love and support for us. However, He desires us to reciprocate this gift by extending the same steadfast commitment to one another.
Take time today to consider how closely you resemble the Good Shepherd in your actions. If you identify any shortcomings, allow Him to guide you, so that you can become a better shepherd to others. Place your faith in the Good Shepherd and rely on His flawless love for you.
Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

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