It Is Better That Jesus Dies So That The Whole Nation May Not Perish – John 11:45-56

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Today is Friday, March 21, 2025

April 12 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – It Is Better That Jesus Dies So That The Whole Nation May Not Perish – John 11:45-56 – Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent

49 But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing,
50 nor do you consider that it is better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish.”
51 He did not say this on his own, but since he was high priest for that year, he prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation – John 11:45-56

Catholic Readings For Today

Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Today’s Morning Prayer

Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections

In this passage, we witness a powerful demonstration of Jesus’ authority over death as He raises Lazarus, who had been dead for four days.

The impact of this miracle is profound, leading many witnesses to believe in Jesus. However, it also stirs up fear and jealousy among the religious leaders, who see Jesus as a threat to their authority.

The juxtaposition of belief and opposition highlights the divisive nature of Jesus’ ministry. The miracle of Lazarus serves as a pivotal moment, forcing people to make a choice – to either believe in the extraordinary power of Jesus or to reject Him out of fear and self-interest.

The religious leaders, rather than recognizing the divine significance of the miracle, become more determined to eliminate Jesus.

Their closed hearts and minds reveal a stark contrast to the open hearts of those who witnessed the miracle and believed.

It prompts us to reflect on how our own preconceptions and fears can hinder us from recognizing the divine work in our lives.

As in the previous day’s reflection, we need to start putting our focus on the suffering and death of Jesus. Holy Week begins this Sunday, so this is the time of year when God wants us to look intently at His Cross.

It’s important to look at it from all angles, to try to understand what was going on, what Jesus was experiencing, what the disciples were experiencing and even what the Pharisees and high priests were experiencing.

In today’s Gospel quoted above we see the thinking of Caiaphas, the high priest. His words are interesting in that they are both sad and prophetic at the same time.

He, along with the other chief priests and the Pharisees, were beginning to plan and plot Jesus’ death. But what’s insightful is the apparent motivation of Caiaphas and the others.

Jesus was gaining popularity and they were afraid that this popularity would stir things up with the Romans.

They were also jealous that Jesus had attracted so many. So Caiaphas offers the twisted logic that that one man should die rather than all of the people.

In other words, he appeared to think that because Jesus was becoming so popular, and the people were listening to Jesus more than they were to the chief priests and Pharisees, it was better to eliminate the “problem” so that things could return to the way they were.

This reveals the fact that the Pharisees were more concerned about themselves and their status than they were about the Truth.

It’s amazing that one of their criticisms of Jesus was that He was doing too many signs and wonders. How strange.

If the chief priests and Pharisees were interested in the Truth, they would have also seen the glory and divine authority of Jesus and come to believe in Him and followed Him.

But they couldn’t swallow their pride and accept the call to follow someone other than themselves. They couldn’t let go of their position of authority.

We often see this same experience in our daily lives. We want to be the centre of attention. And so often when we see someone else do well or receive praise we can get jealous.

And our jealousy can often turn into a form of envy. Envy means we are angered and saddened by the goodness of another. We can brew over it and want to see them fail.

The ideal is to be one of those faithful followers of Jesus. This is especially important to ponder this coming week as you witness the hostility growing toward our Lord.

What would you do if you were there? Would you continue to stand with Jesus despite the attacks of others?

As the hostility toward Jesus grew, would you back away from Him or grow closer to Him in love and commitment?

In the aftermath of the miraculous raising of Lazarus, we see a clear division among the people. On one side, some witness the extraordinary power of Jesus and, inspired by faith, choose to follow Him.

These individuals recognize that Jesus is not only a miracle worker but the long-awaited Messiah, the Son of God.

Their decision to follow Jesus, however, is not made lightly. They are aware of the growing opposition and danger surrounding Him.

The religious leaders, threatened by Jesus’ authority and popularity, are plotting to eliminate Him. Yet, despite this imminent peril, Jesus’ followers demonstrate a remarkable commitment to their newfound faith.

The teaching on the cost of discipleship is vividly illustrated by the followers’ willingness to risk their lives.

They understand that aligning themselves with Jesus comes with a price, yet their conviction in His identity and mission propels them forward.

Their commitment transcends personal safety and societal approval, highlighting the sacrificial nature of true discipleship.

This narrative challenges us to reflect on our own commitment to following Jesus. Are we willing to endure potential opposition, ridicule, or even danger for the sake of our faith?

The cost of discipleship, as exemplified in John 11:45-56, underscores the idea that genuine followers of Jesus must be prepared to sacrifice worldly comforts and security.

Reflect, today, upon the coming commemoration of the persecution of our Lord. Let your mind begin to ponder the many reactions and experiences people had that first Holy Week.

Put yourself in their shoes and try to live it with Jesus. The goal is to find ourselves there at the foot of the Cross with Him on Good Friday with love and courage, standing by Him and loving Him every step of the way. Is it better that Jesus dies for you?

A Short Story About Rewards of Sacrificing All Your Life for The Sake of Jesus

Once upon a time, there was a man named Peter who was a strong believer in Jesus Christ. He lived in a small village where many people didn’t know about Jesus, and some even blasphemed against him.

But Peter never wavered in his faith, and he always spoke up for Jesus whenever he heard someone speaking ill of him.

He even got into serious trouble many times when he prevented the local authorities from demolishing their local Church building to allow a private developer to take over that land.

Peter was a poor man, but he didn’t mind. He knew that his faith in Jesus was more valuable than any material wealth.

He spent most of his time spreading the word of Jesus to others, sharing his testimony and telling people about the love of God.

Despite his limited resources, Peter was always ready to help those in need. He would give his last penny to someone who was hungry or sick, and he would never turn away anyone who came to him for help.

As time went on, Peter’s faith was rewarded. His family hardly went hungry or got sick, and his children hardly got into problems at school or in the community.

People looked up to Peter and his family, and their lives were seen as a testimony to the power of Jesus.

One day, a group of people from a nearby village came to Peter, asking him to help them understand more about Jesus.

They had heard about his faith and the way he lived his life, and they wanted to know more. Peter was overjoyed, and he spent weeks teaching them about Jesus, answering their questions, and sharing his own experiences.

Through Peter’s efforts, many people in the neighbouring village came to know and believe in Jesus. They formed a small community of believers, and Peter would travel to visit them and offer guidance and support whenever he could.

As Peter grew older, he continued to live his life in service to Jesus. He knew that his faith had brought him and his family countless blessings, and he was grateful for every one of them.

His example inspired many others to follow in his footsteps, and his legacy lived on long after he had died.

In the end, Peter’s life was a testimony to the power of faith and the love of Jesus. He had sacrificed all he had, material-wise, personal safety, and time, to make sure people came to know and believe in Jesus, and he had been rewarded in ways he could never have imagined.


Prayer: Lord, may I follow You this coming Holy Week. May I have the love I need to love You even in Your rejection and pain.

Help me to shed all envy and selfishness and to see You especially in the sufferings of others and in their goodness. Jesus, I love You. Amen.

Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

It Is Better That Jesus Dies So That The Whole Nation May Not Perish - John 11:45-56 - Bible Verse of the Day
It Is Better That Jesus Dies So That The Whole Nation May Not Perish – John 11:45-56 – Bible Verse of the Day

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About Laban Thua Gachie 10960 Articles
The founder of is Laban Thua Gachie. I am a Commissioned Lector, a commissioned Liturgy Minister, and a Commissioned member of the Catholic Men Association. We at Catholic Daily Readings, operate the, a Catholic Church-related website and we pride ourself in providing you, on a daily basis the following; 1. Catholic Daily Mass Readings 2. Reflections on those Daily Readings 3. Daily prayers 4. Bible Verse of the Day 5. Saint of the Day