Joy to the World is among the best Christmas songs and carols you should listen to in the 2024 Christmas season.
Joy to the World is a Merry Christmas song and carol usually sung during the Christmas season, Noel and Christmastide. Prayer.
The lyrics to this song are:
Joy to the world! The Lord has come
Let Earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room
And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven, and Heaven and nature sing

Joy to the Earth! The Saviour reigns
Let men their songs employ
While fields and floods
Rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat the sounding joy
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy
No more let sins and sorrows grow
Nor thorns infest the ground
He comes to make
His blessings flow
Far as the curse is found
Far as the curse is found
Far as, far as the curse is found
He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love
And wonders of His love
And wonders, wonders of His love
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