Saint of the Day for November 20 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is November 20 2024.

👉 St Felix of Valois

Saint Edmund of East Anglia

Saint Cyprian of Calamizzi

Blessed Maria Fortunata Viti

Blessed Ambrose of Camaldoli

Saint Bernerio of Eboli

Saint Francis Xavier Can Nguyen

Saint Sylvester of Châlons-sur-Saône

Saint Dasius of Dorostorum

Saint Autbodus of Valcourt

Saint Crispin of Ecija

Saint Hippolytus of Belley

Saint Apothemius of Angers

Saint Nerses of Sahgerd

St Nerses of Sahgerd was a bishop of Sahgerd who died in Persia. He was a martyr.

He was arrested with 10 or 12 parishioners during the persecutions of Shapur II and they were offered their freedom if they would worship the sun for which they declined.

Saint Gregory Decapolites

St Gregory Decapolites born at the Decapolis, Asia Minor was a ninth-century monk, a hermit, and pilgrim.

He was an opponent of the iconoclasts, at whose hands he suffered. He died in the year 842 AD in Constantinople.

Saint Humbert of Elmham

St Humbert of Elmham a ninth-century bishop who was crowned Saint Edmund as king of East Anglia in the year 855 AD.

He was martyred by pagan Danish raiders and died in the year 870 AD in East Anglia (in modern England).

Saint Eudo of Carméry

St Eudo of Carméry also known as Eudon, Eudes, Odo, and Odon died in the year 760 AD. He was a monk at Lerins Abbey in France. Founded the monastery of Corméry-en-Velay.

Saint Eval of Cornwall

St Eval of Cornwall also known as Urval, Uvol, Urfol. He was a sixth-century bishop in Cornwall, England. The village of St Eval, Cornwall was named in his honour.

Saint Maxentia of Beauvais

St Maxentia of Beauvais was born in Ireland. She was an anchoress near Senlis, France, and also a martyr who was martyred in Pont-Sainte-Maxence, France.

Saint Teonesto of Vercelli

St Teonesto of Vercelli also known as Theoneste, Theonestus was a martyr who died in the year 313 AD in Vercelli, Piedmont, Italy.

Saint Eustachius of Nicea

St Eustachius of Nicea was martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Maximinius the Thracian. He died in the year 235 AD in Nicea, Asia Minor.

Saint Thespesius of Nicea

St Thespesius of Nicea died in the year 235 AD in Nicea, Asia Minor. He was martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Maximinius the Thracian.

Saint Anatolius of Nicea

St Anatolius of Nicea was martyred in the persecutions of Emperor Maximinius the Thracian. He died in the year 235 AD in Nicea, Asia Minor.

Saint Ampelus of Messina

St Ampelus of Messina was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. He died in the year 302 AD in Messina, Sicily.

Saint Gaius of Messina

St Gaius of Messina was martyred in the persecutions of Diocletian. He died in the year 302 AD in Messina, Sicily.

Saint Dorus of Benevento

St Dorus of Benevento a fifth-century bishop died in Benevento, Italy.

Saint Leo of Nonantula

St Leo of Nonantula was a monk and later abbot of Nonantula Abbey near Modena, Italy. He later in the year 1000 AD.

Saint Simplicius of Verona

St Simplicius of Verona was a bishop of Verona, Italy, and later died in the year 535 AD.

Saint Basil of Antioch

St Basil of Antioch was a martyr and died at Antioch (Antakya, Turkey).

Martyrs of Antioch

Martyrs of Antioch is a group of three Christians, namely Basil, Dionysius, and Rusticus, executed together for their faith. They died in Antioch (Antakya, Turkey)

Martyrs of Heraclea

Martyrs of Heraclea was a group of 43 Christians martyred together and died in Heraclea, Thrace. Some of their names are Agapitus, Bassus, and Dionysius.

Martyrs of Turin

Martyrs of Turin are the three Christian martyrs whose original stories were lost and somehow came to be associated with the Theban Legion.

They were beheaded in 297 AD in Turin, Italy. They were also the patronage of Turin, Italy. They have an additional memorial on January 20.

Their names are;

  • Adventor
  • Octavius
  • Solutor

Martyred Sisters of the Christian Doctrine

Martyred sisters of the Christian Doctrine is a group of 17 religious sisters, who were all members of the Sisters of the Christian Doctrine martyred in two different incidents in 1936 during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War.

They were beatified on October 1 1995 by Pope John Paul II.

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

  1. Blessed Teresa Rosat Balasch
  2. Blessed Teresa Jiménez Baldoví
  3. Blessed Paula de San Antonio
  4. Blessed Milagros Ortells Gimeno
  5. Blessed María Purificación Gómez Vives
  6. Blessed María Isabel López García
  7. Blessed Maria Dolors Llimona Planas
  8. Blessed María Antonia del Sufragio Orts Baldó
  9. Blessed Josepa Mongoche Homs
  10. Blessed Josefa Romero Clariana
  11. Blessed Josefa Pascual Pallardó
  12. Blessed Isabel Ferrer Sabrià
  13. Blessed Gertrudis Rita Florència Surís Brusola
  14. Blessed Francisca Desamparados Honorata Lloret Martí
  15. Blessed Emilia Martí Lacal
  16. Blessed Catalina Calpe Ibáñez
  17. Blessed Aurea Navarro
  18. Blessed Ascensión Duart Roig

Catholic Saint Feast Days in November

Catholic Saint of the Day

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 20 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is November 20 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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