Catholic Daily Mass Readings for June 12 2023, Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time – Daily Homily

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Catholic Daily Readings for June 12 2023: Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time – Lectionary: 359

Catholic Daily Readings for June 12 2023, Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time
1st Reading 2 Corinthians 1:1-7
Responsorial Psalm Psalms 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9
Alleluia Matthew 5:12A
Gospel Matthew 5:1-12

Daily Mass Readings for June 12 2023, Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

1st Reading – 2 Corinthians 1:1-7

1 Paul, an Apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, to the Church of God that is at Corinth, with all the holy ones throughout Achaia:

2 grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all encouragement,

4 who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God.

5 For as Christ’s sufferings overflow to us, so through Christ does our encouragement also overflow.

6 If we are afflicted, it is for your encouragement and salvation; if we are encouraged, it is for your encouragement, which enables you to endure the same sufferings that we suffer.

7 Our hope for you is firm, for we know that as you share in the sufferings,
you also share in the encouragement.

Responsorial Psalm – Psalms 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9

R. (9a) Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

2 I will bless the LORD at all times;
his praise shall be ever in my mouth.
3 Let my soul glory in the LORD;
the lowly will hear me and be glad.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

4 Glorify the LORD with me,
let us together extol his name.
5 I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

6 Look to him that you may be radiant with joy,
and your faces may not blush with shame.
7 When the poor one called out, the LORD heard,
and from all his distress he saved him.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

8 The angel of the LORD encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
9 Taste and see how good the LORD is;
blessed the man who takes refuge in him.
R. Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

Alleluia – Matthew 5:12A

R. Alleluia, alleluia.
12A Rejoice and be glad;
for your reward will be great in heaven.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel – Matthew 5:1-12

1 When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he had sat down, his disciples came to him.

2 He began to teach them, saying:

3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.

6 Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

8 Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

10 Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.

11 Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me.

12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Tomorrow’s Catholic Daily Readings for June 13 2023, Tuesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

Catholic Daily Readings Homily – June 12 2023, Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s June 12 2023 Daily Mass Readings Homily Theme: The Beatitudes Explained – Luke 6:20-26, Matthew 5:1-12

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