April 5 2025: Bible Verse of the Day – Never Before Has Anyone Spoken Like Jesus – John 7:40-53 – Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent
44 Some of them even wanted to arrest Jesus, but no one laid hands on him.
45 So the guards went to the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them, “Why did you not bring him?”
46 The guards answered, “Never before has anyone spoken like this man.” – John 7:40-53
Catholic Readings For Today
Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent
Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections
In John 7:40-53, the passage describes the division and confusion among the people regarding the identity of Jesus. Some believed He was the Prophet, while others thought He might be the Messiah.
The guards and many others were in awe of Jesus, amazed at the words He spoke. These guards were sent to arrest Jesus at the order of the chief priests and Pharisees, but the guards couldn’t bring themselves to arrest Him.
They were rendered powerless in the face of the “awe factor” Jesus enjoyed and they said, “Never before has anyone spoken like Jesus.
When Jesus taught, there was something communicated beyond His words. Yes, His words were powerful and transforming, but it was also how He spoke.
It was hard to explain but it’s clear that, when He spoke, He also communicated a power, a calm, a conviction, and a presence.
He communicated His Divine Presence and it was unmistakable. People just knew this man Jesus was different than all the rest and they hung on His every word.
God still communicates to us this way. Jesus still speaks to us with this “awe factor.” We simply need to be attentive to it.
We should strive to be attentive to the ways that God speaks clearly and convincingly, with authority, clarity and conviction.
It may be something someone says, or it may be an action of another that touches us. It may be a book we read or a sermon we listen to. Whatever the case may be, we should look for this awe factor because it is there we will find Jesus Himself.
Interestingly, this awe factor also invited extreme criticism. Those with a simple and honest faith responded well, but those who were self-centred and self-righteous responded with condemnation and anger. They were clearly jealous. They even criticized the guards and others who were impressed by Jesus.
The Pharisees and chief priests were frustrated, and Nicodemus, who had previously come to Jesus by night, spoke up in defence of fair judgment. The Pharisees dismissed him, and the passage ends with each person going to their own house.
The reflection on this passage may focus on the various reactions to Jesus’ identity and message. It reveals the diversity of opinions among the people and the religious leaders. It also highlights the tension and division caused by differing beliefs about Jesus.
One can consider the theme of discernment and openness to the truth. Some were willing to entertain the idea that Jesus was special, while others were hardened in their scepticism.
The passage encourages us to reflect on our own attitudes toward Jesus and the importance of being open to the truth, even when it challenges our preconceived notions.
Additionally, the contrast between Nicodemus, who sought a fair judgment, and the Pharisees, who dismissed him, prompts reflection on the courage to stand for what is right and just, even in the face of opposition.
Overall, the passage invites contemplation on the recognition of Jesus’ unique teachings, the importance of open-mindedness, and the courage to defend what is right, even when it goes against popular opinions.
Reflect, today, upon the ways that God has left you in awe of His message and His love. Seek out His voice of conviction and clarity.
Tune into the way God is trying to communicate and pay no attention to the ridicule and criticism you may experience when you do seek to follow His Voice. His Voice must win out and draw you in so that you can savour everything He wishes to say.
Short Story – Exploring Open-mindedness and Courage in John 7:40-53: A Reflective Journey into Diverse Reactions to Jesus’ Identity
Consider a scenario where a group of people is discussing spiritual matters, and there’s a diversity of opinions regarding the identity of Jesus.
Some in the group are open-minded and willing to explore the possibility that Jesus might be a significant figure with a unique message. They are like those who thought Jesus could be the Prophet or the Messiah in the passage.
On the other hand, there are individuals in the group who are more sceptical, dismissive and closed off to the idea that Jesus could be anything more than an ordinary person.
They mirror the Pharisees and chief priests in the biblical account, resistant to considering alternative perspectives.
In the midst of this discussion, there’s a person similar to Nicodemus, who, despite being part of the sceptical group, speaks up in defence of fair judgment and encourages others to consider the uniqueness of Jesus’ teachings.
This person may say something like, “I understand our doubts and reservations, but we cannot ignore the fact that there’s something extraordinary about what Jesus is saying. Let’s be open-minded and fair in our assessment.”
However, the majority, like the Pharisees, dismiss this person, emphasizing their scepticism and unwillingness to entertain alternative viewpoints.
The exemplification highlights the dynamic within the group, illustrating the tension between open-mindedness and scepticism.
It emphasizes the importance of being willing to consider new perspectives and the courage to stand for what is right, even when faced with opposition.
In our own lives, this reflection prompts us to evaluate our attitudes toward spiritual matters, encouraging us to be open-minded in our search for truth and courageous in defending what we believe to be just and right, even if it goes against the prevailing opinions around us.
Prayer: Lord, may I be attentive to Your unmistakable Voice and to the authority with which You speak. May I be amazed at all You wish to say.
And as I listen to You, dear Lord, give me the courage to respond with faith regardless of the reaction of others.
I love You, dear Lord, and desire to be transfixed upon Your every Word, listening with wonder and awe. Jesus, I love You. Amen.
Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

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