Novena Prayer to St Vitus

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Today is Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Novena Prayer to St Vitus (Patron: Comedians, Dancers)

Preparatory Prayer

Almighty and eternal God, with deep faith and humble reverence, I bow before You. I trust in Your boundless generosity and mercy.

Illuminate my mind with the light of Your wisdom and ignite my heart with the fire of Your love. As I reflect on the virtues and merits of the saint I honour in this novena, help me to follow their example, just as they followed the life of Your Son.

I ask You, through their intercession, to grant my petition, saying with faith, “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” If it brings You greater glory and the salvation of my soul, may You kindly hear my prayer. Amen.

Prayer in Honor of St. Vitus

O God, through the intercession of St. Vitus, help me truly value the gift of my soul and the redemption won by the Precious Blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

For the sake of my salvation, may I bear all trials with courage. Grant that St. Vitus, your youthful and heroic martyr, be a guide and protector for young people, that they, following his example, may receive the crown of righteousness in Heaven after their struggles here on earth. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Invocation of St. Vitus

St. Vitus, glorious martyr of Christ, though young, you faced great temptations and dangers. Yet, in the fear of God and out of love for Jesus, you triumphed over them.

Holy and beloved youth, by the love of Jesus, I ask for your powerful intercession. Help me to overcome all temptations, avoid sin, and keep my soul pure.

May I bring my soul, unstained, to the judgment seat of Christ, and there forever share in the joy of seeing God, promised to the pure of heart. Amen.


My Lord and my God, I offer my prayer to You, united with the passion and death of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

I also unite it with the merits of His Blessed Mother, Mary ever-Virgin, and all the saints, especially St. Vitus, in whose honour I make this novena. Look upon me with mercy, O Lord. Grant me Your grace and love, and kindly hear my prayer. Amen.

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