Novena to Saints Cosmas and Damian 

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Today is Friday, February 21, 2025

Novena to Saints Cosmas and Damian (Patron Saints of Barbers and Medical Doctors)

Oh glorious Saints Cosmas and Damian, you were blessed with a deep love for God and a compassionate heart for others.

You lived your lives helping the sick and needy without asking for anything in return and even gave your lives in defence of your faith.

Your love for God and your willingness to serve others with kindness and humility are an example for all of us.

You taught us to put God above everything else and to love others just as we love ourselves. Your actions showed the world the power of faith, and you were never afraid to openly profess your belief in Jesus, even when it cost you your lives. Through your great example, we learn to have courage in our own faith, trusting in God’s plan for us.

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Dear Saints Cosmas and Damian, you are known for the many miracles you worked among the people, healing the sick and comforting those in pain.

Even today, your powerful intercession helps those who call upon you in times of trouble. We ask for your help in all areas of our lives, especially in times of illness, whether in body, mind, or soul. We trust in your care and protection.

May your loving support always be close to us, guiding us and protecting us from all harm and evil. When we are weak or suffering, we ask that you stay by our side, giving us the strength and courage to endure. Help us to always have faith in God’s healing power and to trust in His mercy.

Oh great Saints Cosmas and Damian, you are powerful protectors. We ask you to intercede for us, to free us from all evils, and to bring peace to our hearts.

Help us to live lives filled with love for God and others, just as you did. May we always honour your memory by living out the faith you so bravely defended. Amen.

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