The Novena to St. Agatha is a special prayer practice done over nine days to honour St. Agatha, the patron saint of breast cancer and other illnesses.
People seek her intercessions to God for protection against these conditions, for healing if they are already sick, and for the strength to endure hardship, just like St. Agatha did when she faced torture for her faith.
Novena Prayer to St Agatha the Patron Saint of Breast Illnesses/Cancer

O glorious St Agatha, who remained faithful to Our Lord even unto death, intercede for me as thou dost rejoice in the reward of thy virtues.
Cast a glance of pity on (me / mention the person afflicted with cancer or other serious breast ailment) and grant my petition, if such be the will of God. Make my/his/her troubles into thine own.
Plead for the grace yearned for ardently, and for a blessing that may strengthen me/him/her during life, so as to assist me/him/her to lead a faithful life, so that, one day, l/he/she may join you in eternity to behold the Source of Eternal Joy. Amen.
Pray: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be to the Father
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