The Novena to St. Faustina is a nine-day prayer devotion dedicated to St. Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun known for her deep devotion to Divine Mercy.
She received visions of Jesus and recorded His messages in her diary, which inspired the Divine Mercy devotion.
As the Patron Saint of World Youth Day, St. Faustina’s novena involves daily prayers asking for her intercession, seeking God’s mercy, and promoting trust in His love.
This practice is especially popular among young people who look up to her as a model of faith and trust in God’s infinite mercy.
Novena to St Faustina, the Patron Saint of World Youth Day

O Jesus, who inspired St. Faustina with deep reverence for Your infinite Mercy, please, if it aligns with Your Holy will, grant me, through her intercession, the grace for which I earnestly pray…
(Mention your intention here.)
My sins make me undeserving of Your Mercy, but remember Sister Faustina’s spirit of sacrifice and self-denial, and honor her virtue by granting the petition I trustingly present to You through her intercession.
Pray – one Our Father… one Hail Mary… one Glory Be…
Saint Faustina, pray for us.
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