Novena to St Francis de Sales

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Today is Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Novena to St Francis de Sales (Patron of Authors and Booksellers)

O blessed St. Francis de Sales, who excelled in all virtues during your life, especially in your love for God and your neighbour, I humbly ask you to take me under your special protection. Obtain from God my complete conversion and that of all sinners.

Heavenly Father, through the guidance of St. Francis, teach me to keep my eyes fixed on heaven, so that I may overcome every obstacle in my path and attain the glory that Your mercy offers me.

I also ask, through St. Francis de Sales’ intercession, for the favour I now seek… (State your request).

Assist us, O Lord, through the merits of St. Francis de Sales, so that what we cannot achieve through our own efforts may be granted to us through his prayers.

Let us pray:

O God, for the salvation of souls, You willed that St. Francis de Sales would embody all things in the gentleness of his charity. Through his guidance and merits, may we share in his blessings and attain eternal happiness. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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