Novena to St. Isidore the Farmer (Patron Saint of Farmers)
Dear St. Isidore, you lived a simple and humble life, working hard on the land to support your family. Each morning, you made time to attend Holy Mass, even though it put your job and the food on your family’s table at risk.
But God, in His goodness, sent His angels to help you by ploughing the fields while you were in church, as a reward for your great love and trust in Him.
St. Isidore, we ask for your prayers today. Please ask Our Lord Jesus to plant a deep faith within our hearts, just as seeds are planted in the soil.
Pray that, like a good gardener, you will water this faith with your prayers, so it can grow strong each day. Help us, by your example, to become more holy, and to walk in humility and love, just as you did. May our lives reflect the light and love of Jesus to all those around us.
As a farmer who used your hands to bring food from the earth, we ask you to pray to Jesus on our behalf. Please ask Him to bless us with a good and plentiful harvest, so that we can continue to provide for our families and others.

Pray that our hands and bodies stay strong and healthy, so we can work the land God has given us. Just as we tend to our crops, ask Jesus to watch over and care for our hearts, making them fruitful in His love.
We ask you, St. Isidore, to help keep the weeds away from our fields, and in the same way, pray that we may avoid sin in our lives. Give us a heart that loves what is good and pure.
Finally, we humbly bring before you the prayers and special requests we hold deep in our hearts. Please carry them to our loving and generous Lord Jesus, trusting that He will hear and answer them according to His perfect will. Amen.
(Pray – 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory Be)
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