Novena to St Lucy

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Today is Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Novena to St. Lucy is a special prayer said over nine days, asking for the help and intercession of St. Lucy, who is the patron saint of the blind and those with eye problems.

St. Lucy was a young Christian martyr from the 4th century known for her faith and dedication to God.

People pray this novena to seek St. Lucy’s protection and assistance in healing eye conditions or for the overall health of their eyes.

Each day of the novena involves specific prayers and reflections, asking St. Lucy to pray to God on their behalf.

Novena to St Lucy the Patron Saint of the Blind and Eye Problems

Novena to St Lucy - Catholic Prayers
Novena to St Lucy – Catholic Prayers

O St. Lucy, you chose to have your eyes torn out rather than deny your faith and defile your soul. As a reward for your virtue and faith, God performed an extraordinary miracle, replacing your eyes with a perfect pair and appointing you as the protector against eye diseases.

I come to you now, asking for your protection over my eyesight and for healing of my eye illness.

O St Lucy, preserve the light of my eyes so that I may see the beauties of creation, the glow of the sun, the colour of the flowers and the smile of children.

Preserve also the eyes of my soul, the faith, through which I can know my God, understand His teachings, recognise His love for me and never miss the road that leads me to where you, St Lucy, can be found in the company of the angels and saints.

St Lucy, protect my eyes and preserve my faith. Amen.

(Say: 3 “Our Father“, 3 “Hail Mary“, 3 “Glory be“.)

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