Novena to St Polycarp

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Today is Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Novena to St. Polycarp is a nine-day prayer dedicated to St. Polycarp, who is the patron saint of those suffering from earaches.

St. Polycarp was an early Christian bishop and martyr who is celebrated for his strong faith and devotion.

People pray this novena to seek his intercession for relief from ear pain, hoping his heavenly aid will bring comfort and healing.

The novena involves specific prayers and intentions, recited daily, asking St. Polycarp to pray to God on their behalf for alleviation of their ear-related ailments.

Novena to St Polycarp, The Patron of Earaches

Novena to St Polycarp - Catholic Prayers
Novena to Saint Polycarp – Catholic Prayers

God of all creation, you gave your bishop Polycarp the privilege of being counted among the saints who gave their lives in faithful witness to the gospel.

May his prayers give us the courage to share with him the cup of suffering and to rise to eternal glory. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

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