Novena to St Raphael the Archangel

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Today is Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Novena to St Raphael the Archangel is a nine-day prayer devotion asking for the intercession of St Raphael, who is known as the patron of healing.

Believers pray to him for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, trusting in his role as a healer sent by God.

The novena includes specific prayers and reflections for each day, seeking St Raphael’s guidance, protection, and healing touch.

This practice is rooted in the Christian tradition and reflects a deep faith in the power of prayer and the help of angels.

Novena to St Raphael the Archangel

Novena to St Raphael the Archangel - Catholic Prayer
Novena to St Raphael the Archangel – Catholic Prayer

Blessed Raphael, archangel and friend, God the Father called you to be a force for healing in the world,
touching wounded hearts, bodies, and minds with the might of the Holy Spirit.

Dear Raphael, help us to put aside our limited, worldly habit of judging and condemning ourselves and others when we do wrong, and to replace it with Christ’s perspective of healing the wounds we all incur in living as imperfect beings in an imperfect world.

In that spirit I ask now that you use your swift and silent wings to bring to God this request:
[Insert your prayer request here].

Guide us always to the people through whom God is waiting to make us whole, and help us to be sources of loving healing to them. We pray this in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

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