Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Cropwell, Alabama, USA

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Today is Sunday, February 23, 2025



Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church, Cropwell, Alabama – Address, Contacts

Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church is located in 4609 Martin St S, Cropwell and belongs to the Archdiocese of Mobile in Alabama 35054, United States of America (USA).





The table below gives the fine details of
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Cropwell


Street Address: 4609 Martin St S
Cropwell, Alabama 35054, United States of America (USA)

Phone Number: 205-525-5161
Email Address: Parish@OLLPellcity.com
Website: www.ollpellcity.com/index.html


Archdiocese Belongs to the Archdiocese of Mobile
Google Map Coordinates 33.529471, -86.292827


Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Cropwell Mass Schedule

Saturday-  5:00 PM
Sunday-  8:30 AM, 11:15 AM
Monday- 9:00 AM
Tuesday-  9:00 AM
Wednesday-  7:00 PM
Thursday-  9:00 AM
Friday-  9:00 AM


Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Cropwell Parish Office Days and Hours

(Monday-Thursday)- 9:30 A.M-1:30 P.M.



Parish Confession Days and Time

Saturday-  (3:30 PM – 5:00 PM) or by Appointment.


Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Cropwell Chapel Adoration Schedule

First Friday of the month Eucharistic Adoration-  9:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Third Sunday of every month(Holy Hour of Adoration)- 7:00 PM.


Parish Short History

In 1890,  some Polish coal miners in the northern part of St. Clair County held services in private homes and in recognition of these people, a painting of Our Lady of Csestochowa hangs in the church, courtesy of Mr. And Mrs. H. E. Brandli who brought it to Our Lady of the Lake from Poland.

In the Catholic Church’s geographical organization in Alabama, Pell City was listed as a station served by the Jesuit Fathers from Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Selma, in 1900.

In 1902, the Jesuit Fathers returned this station to the archdiocese of Mobile.

Bishop Edward P. Allen placed missions and stations under the Sacred Heart Parish, Anniston, with Reverend Francis Doyle as pastor. Pell City was listed in the Catholic Directory as a station from Anniston through 1927.

In 1930, Reverend Paul Klich served this mission as well as St. Stanislaus, Wylam, while residing at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Birmingham. In 1935, he began serving Pell City from his residence in Wylam.

The need for a Catholic Church was created when Logan Martin Lake attracted tourists, visitors and many permanent residents to the area hence making Archbishop T.J. Toolen approved the construction of a church.

Meanwhile for two years, services were held in temporary quarters at the Coosa Valley Telephone Company in Pell City, beginning May 7, 1967. These quarters were generously provided by Mrs. Jean Brandli who was a driving force in the founding and funding of Our Lady of the Lake Church.

With the help of the Catholic Church Extension Society of Chicago, Illinois, The Holy Name Society Chapel Fund, The Catholic Men’s Club of the state, as well as many generous people of St. Clair County, Our Lady of the Lake Church was built. The dedication took place on August 18, 1970, with The Most Reverend Joseph G. Vath, Bishop of the new Diocese of Birmingham. 


Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Cropwell, Alabama, USA

Parish Google Map

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