December 10 2024: Bible Verse of the Day – Parable of the Lost Sheep – Luke 15:3-7, Matthew 18:12-14 – Thursday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time, Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent
3 Jesus addressed this parable to the Pharisees and scribes:
4 “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them
would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it?
7 I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.” – Luke 15:3-7, Matthew 18:12-14
Catholic Readings For Today
Thursday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2
Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent
Thursday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1
Today’s Bible Verse of the Day Reflections
Today, Jesus is teaching us about the importance of penance in our physical and spiritual life using the parable of the lost sheep.
The theme surrounding repentance borders very closely with love. It is love that drives somebody to seek forgiveness and it is the same love that compels someone to forgive another.
After repentance, love thrives very well and the probability of hurting each other again reduces.
It is God’s wish that whenever we hurt, wrong or transgress each other, we should, with sincerity, seek forgiveness and be sorry for what we have done.
While saying the above, Jesus was very much aware that we cannot live without hurting each other. Transgressing against each other is part of live and we cannot avoid being hurt by others or hurting them also.
Now, when this is the case, no one can claim that he/she has never hurt someone or has never been hurt by someone else. This means all of us need to forgive someone and also need to seek repentance from someone else.
When you are hurt by someone, you tend to think about how you will revenge or hurt that person so that you can be even. This school of thought causes fights, wars, enmity and evil thrives very well in such thoughts.
Because Jesus loves peace, love and unity, He gives us the best solution to all evil, that is; repentance, which translates to mutual love. This is why Jesus says He loves a repentant sinner.
One repentant sinner, just like Simon Peter, is more valuable than one hundred pseudo-righteous people who pretend that they cannot wrong someone or cannot be wronged by others.
Let us today embrace the virtue of repentance and forgiveness and through this, we will snowball peace, love and unity to the whole world just as is the wish of our heavenly father.
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, instil in us the virtue of repentance and forgiveness so that we can always seek forgiveness from You and our neighbours too. Help us to live in peace, love and unity in our families, community, nations and the whole world too. Jesus, I love you. Amen.
Bible Verse of the Day in Pictures

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