Prayer by Saint Alphonsus Liguori

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Today is Saturday, March 15, 2025

I adore You God the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I praise You together with the Communion of Angels and Saints in Heaven. I thank You and offer You my heart for all the blessings and graces that You give to me unceasingly.

Oh God, You are the giver of supernatural gifts, You filled the soul of our Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of our saviour, with immeasurable favours. Visit me, I beg You, with Your love and grace and give me the gift of Holy fear so that it can deter me from relapsing back to my sinful ways, for which I am truly sorry for.

Dear God give me the gift of piety so that my service to You in posterity be prompt and increasingly intensive and extensive. Help me to embrace Your Holy Inspirations and observe Your tenets with more faithfulness.

Give me the gift of knowledge so that I may know the Godly things and without deviation, walk in the path of everlasting salvation.

Lord, give me the gift fortutude so that I may not succumb to temptations, dangers and assaults of the evil one, which can jeopardise my salvation.

Give me the gift of good counsel so that I may always choose what is good for my spiritual growth and also discover the bad wages of temper.

Give me the gift of understanding so that I can accept Your divine mysteries and also disengage my affections and thoughts from the unuseful things of this world

Give me the gift of wisdom so that I may organise my actions towards God who is my Alpha and Omega. May I love, serve, praise and glorify Him in this life so that on the last day I may Join Him together with all Angels and Saints in His Heavenly Kingdom. Amen.

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