At various points in our lives, we find ourselves in need of assistance, and it is only natural to prayer for help. As human beings, we cannot navigate life’s challenges entirely on our own.
There are inevitable circumstances where we rely on the support of those around us, but above all, we turn to God in prayer for help.
Following the teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we understand the power of asking and seeking, for God promises to answer and open doors for us.
Our Heavenly Father is ever-ready to provide help when we humbly pray. There are several heartfelt prayers for help available to request divine help in times of need.
Prayer to God for Help
Caring heavenly Father, I come before you on this day because I want to seek Your will for my life. Lord, rather than following my own direction in life. Because I know that in my heart I can stray from Your chosen path.
Father, I want to be successful in what I turn my hand to. For this reason, I want to do everything as unto YOU. So on this day, I come to place the desires of my heart before You. I also want to ask that in Your grace You will forward the plans I have for my life, in a way that is best pleasing to You.
Guide me Lord in the way of Your choosing. Father, as I lay before You the hopes and dreams of my heart, which I would dearly love to fulfill. Instead, I surrender them all to YOU, praying that you will lead me in the path that is best suited to carry out Your best work in me.
Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you today begging for Your divine help. Help me for I am in a crisis and I need Your supporting hand to maintain me on the right and just path.
My heart is troubled with the Hustle-and-bustle of this world and I pray that You hold me firmly close to You. Help me to keep my path in congruency with Your Holy will for I know your infinite wisdom will guide my tracks to maintain the right way to a just and right outcome. Thank you for hearing my prayer and for staying by my side.
Dear Lord, I do look forward to what may happen tomorrow. For I know that You, the same everlasting Father who cares for me today will take care of me tomorrow and every day for in Matthew 6:25-34, God assures us of His providence when we trust in Him.
Lord Jesus christ, salvage us from all our anxiousness, let us be at peace with You, let our thoughts and imaginations continually praise You and say, “The Lord is my shield and my strength. My heart is helped for I have trusted in Him. The Lord is in me and also with me, and I in Him.” I ask this the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.”
Prayer for Financial Help
Loving Father, I need You to be with me in the middle of the mountainous bills that seem to come every day. I feel drained and affraid and I just don’t feel that I can take any more.
Lord, I want to be responsible with my money. However, less seems to be coming in than going out, thus I turn to You Lord. Father, I cast all my burdens on You, for I have come to the very end myself.
Father, I ask that You look down upon our house with pity and send help in a way that only You can. Lord, help each member of the family to find the work that will provide for the finances that we need. Let not my heart be troubled, O Lord my God. I believe in You and I know that You are my Rock in time of need. Lord, in the Name of Jesus I ask that You give me Your strength in the midst of my financial difficulties. For I know that Your grace is sufficient, Lord. In Jesus’ Name.
Prayer for Help Catholic
“Heavenly Father, may all I do start with Your
continue with Your help
and reach perfection under Your leadership.
Lord, with Your loving care, guide me in my everyday actions.
Help me to persist with love and sincerity.
Teach me to decide wisely the things of earth
and to love the things of Heaven. Father,
Keep me in Your presence
and never let me be apart from You.
Your Spirit made me Your child,
confident to call You Father.
Make Your Love the foundation of my life.
Teach me to await Heaven.
May its promise and hope lead my way on earth
until I reach eternal life with You. Amen.”
Prayer to Jesus for Help
“Loving Lord, in every need, let me come before You with humble trust saying, “Jesus, help me.”
In all my doubts, confusion, and temptations, Jesus, help me.
Lord, In hours of loneliness, fatigue, and trials, Jesus, help me.
In the failure of my plans and hopes; in disappointments, troubles, and sorrows, Jesus, help me.
Lord, when others wrong me and Your grace alone can assist me, help me.
In the times I throw myself on Your tender love as a father and savior, Jesus, help me.
Loving Father, when my heart is brought down by failure at seeing no good come from my efforts, Jesus, aid me.
When I feel impatient and my burdens irritate me, Jesus, help me.
When I am sick and my head and hands cannot work and I am lonely, Jesus, help me.
Always, in spite of weakness, falls, and shortcomings of every kind, Jesus, help me and never leave me.
Prayer for Help at Work
“Dear Loving Father, as I enter this workplace, I carry your presence with me. I preach your peace, your grace, your mercy, and your perfect order in this office. Lord, I accept your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls.
Lord, I thank you for the gifts you have bestowed on me. I promise to use them responsibly in your honor. Give me a new supply of strength to do my job. Bless my projects, ideas, and energy so that even my tiniest accomplishment may bring you glory.
Father, when I am confused guide me. When I am burned out fill me with the light of the Holy Spirit. May the work that I do and the way I do it bring faith, joy, and a smile to all that I meet with today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Prayer for Urgent Help
Dear Lord Jesus,
Oh caring Jesus, meek Lamb of God, I, a miserable sinner, praise and worship the most sacred wound on Your shoulder, on which You did bear Your heavy cross, which cut Your flesh and lay Your bones as to inflict an pain greater than any other wound on Your most blessed body.
Lord, I adore You, oh Jesus most sorrowful. I praise and glorify You, and give thanks fully to You for the holiest and sacred and painful wound. Begging You by that exceeding pain, and by the crushing weight of Your heavy cross to be
merciful to me on towards heaven along the way of Your cross. In Jesus’ Name (make request) Amen to all.
Lord, thank you for hearing my prayers I have a lot of faith that my prayer has already been answered. God Bless. Amen.”
Morning Prayer for Help
“Loving Lord, may nothing separate me from You today. Show me how to choose only Your way today, so each step will bring me closer to You. Help me walk by Your Word and not my feelings. Help me to keep my heart pure and unwavering. Guard me against my own careless thoughts, words, and actions. Father, stop me from being distracted by my wants, my desires, my thoughts on how things should be. Help me to accept what comes my way as an opportunity, rather than a personal inconvenience.
Finally, Lord, help me to believe in the truth of Psalm 86:13, “Great is your love toward me.” You already know the ways I will fall short and mess up. But right now Father, I consciously put Your whisper of absolute love for me into the deepest part of my heart. I realize Your love for me is not based on my performance. Lord, You love me, warts and all. That is amazing. But what’s most amazing is that the Savior of the world would spare a few minutes for me this morning. Lord, help me to forever remember what a gift it is to sit with You like this. Amen.”

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