Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

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Today is Thursday, March 13, 2025

The Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows is a way to talk to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, and ask for her help and comfort.

It’s a special prayer where people remember the sadness Mary felt when she saw her son suffer and die on the cross.

People ask her to be with them during their own hard times and to help them find strength and hope, just like she did. It’s a way to feel close to Mary and ask for her support when things are tough.

Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows
Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows

Oh, most revered and sorrowful Mother, Queen of Martyrs, who stood unwavering beside your Son in His torment upon the cross.

Through the trials you endured in your life, by the piercing sorrow that rent your heart, and by the boundless joy you now experience in heaven, graciously regard me as I humbly kneel before you, sharing in your grief and presenting my plea with innocent faith.

Beloved Mother, knowing that your Son cannot deny you, I implore you to intercede with His Sacred Heart, so that He may graciously heed my supplication according to His divine will.

Thus, through the merits of His Sacred Passion, united with your own sufferings at the foot of the cross, I earnestly pray…

(Mention your intention here…)

Most compassionate Mother, in my distress, where else can I turn but to you, who tenderly regards us, wretched sinners, in this vale of tears?

I beg you to present to Jesus a single drop of His Precious Blood and a solitary pang of His Loving Heart. Remind Him that you are our solace, our life, and our refuge, and your entreaty will not be in vain. Amen.

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