Prayer to Pope Saint Pius X

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Today is Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Oh, Pope Saint Pius X, Pope of the Eucharist, pray for me to Jesus Christ that I may get His true Love and live for Him alone. Also pray for me that I get the vigour and will to live a life full of sanctity so that I may enjoy the true rewards of the sacrifice and sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

May I copy your love for the Sweet Virgin Mary, the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that I may also fill my heart with utmost love and tender devotion for her.

Dear St. Pius X, pray for the Church of Christ so that we may have an increase in vocations for religious life, where eventually we will get holy and dedicated priests and other clergy.

We ask you that you pray for peace and tranquility in our hearts and nations so that we all dwell under the wonderful regime of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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