Sacred Heart Catholic church Birmingham, Alabama – Address, Contacts
Sacred Heart Catholic church is located in 3401 27th Court North B, Birmingham and belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama 35207, United States of America (USA).
Street Address: 3401 27th Court North Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama 35207, United States of America (USA)
Phone Number: 205-252-8909
Email Address:
Sacred Heart Church Alabama Birmingham Mass Schedule
Sunday- 9:00 a.m
Sacred Heart Church Alabama Birmingham Parish Office Days and Hours
Sunday- 9.00 a.m
Tuesday to Thursday- 9:00 a.m
Parish Confession Days and Time
By booking an appointment
Sacred Heart Church Birmingham Chapel Adoration Schedule
Pending update
Belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham
Google Map Coordinates 33.616179, -86.795637
Parish Short History
Sacred Heart of Jesus in Birmingham, Alabama is a Christian congregation serving the Birmingham community and encouraging others through a life-changing Christian journey.

Parish Google Map
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