Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic church Anniston, Alabama Address, Contacts, Location, Mass Schedules

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Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic church, Anniston, Alabama – Confession Hours, Telephone Number, Adoration Schedule, Google Map/Coordinates

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic church is located in 1301 Golden Springs Rd, Anniston and belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama 36207, United States of America (USA).

The table below gives the fine details of

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic church Anniston

Street Address

1301 Golden Springs Rd
Anniston, Alabama 36207, United States of America (USA)

Phone Number: +1 256-237-3011
Email Address:

Diocese Belongs to the Diocese of Birmingham
Google Map Coordinates 33.631222, -85.783878

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic church Anniston Mass Schedule

Mass: 9:00 am
Mass: 11:00 am
Misa en Español: 1:00 pm

Holy Days
Mass(School): 8:00 am
Mass(Church): 12:00 pm(Noon)
Mass (Church):7:00 pm

Parish Confession Days and Time

Saturday Reconciliation: 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm

Parish Short History

Records at the Church of the Assumption Parish in Selma demonstrate that Catholics of the Anniston region were under the consideration of the Jesuit Fathers of this ward. Mass was offered in the rooms on the second floor of the Robinson Warehouse when the town previously opened for pilgrims.
Sixty parishioners were recorded when the Sacred Heart of Jesus Mission was sorted out by Father Rene Isidore Holaind, S.J., late in 1884. A great deal was obtained for $300 at the edge of third and Spruce Streets, and although a congregation was raised on that spot, Mass was just celebrated on the first and third Sundays of every month, with Jesuits originating from Selma. On May 29, 1885, the Sacrament of Baptism was regulated without precedent for Anniston, Alabama.
At the point when on January 13, 1898, Bishop Edward P. Allen discharged the Jesuits from the mission and Father Daniel A. Brady, S.J., was named full-time minister, it was chosen that the present area was awkwardly found, being a significant separation from the focal point of town. The property was sold to a neighborhood Baptist church for $1,300, and the congregation was then utilized as a school until it was shockingly pulverized by flame.
Consecrated Heart fabricated another congregation at the edge of Quintard Avenue and Eleventh Street, on property bought from Grace Episcopal Church for $1,750. It was committed on Sunday, November 19, 1899.
In 1903 five east Alabama Counties: Cherokee, Calhoun, Cleburne, Clay and Talladega were appended to Sacred Heart Parish. This incorporated the areas of Saint Jude in Sylacauga, Saint Francis in Talladega, Saint Rose of Lima (presently Holy Name of Jesus) in Childersburg, Saint Charles in Jacksonville, and Saint Joachim in Piedmont.
April 10, 1922 was a fitting day for what was later to be designated “Anniston’s Darkest Hour.” April 10 was Palm Sunday, and Sacred Heart lifted its palms to paradise as its excellent church swung to fiery debris in what was portrayed as a flame “Of Unknown Origin.” That an open objection resulted leads toward the feeling that there was no incidental sparkle. Easter administrations were held through the benevolent cordiality of Grace Episcopal Church, and from that point all administrations were held in a corridor over a store at 919 Noble Street until another Church could be assembled.
With the protection from the old working, with gifts from different companions of the minister Father Thomas J. Earley living in different northern states, from parishioners, alongside $2,000 furthermore gathered from different non-Catholics living in Anniston, another, $20,000 Gothic Church “of Tudor structure” was raised. Fittingly committed on Thanksgiving Day, November 29, 1923, this congregation was to serve the assembly for a long time.
Troops swelled Ft. McClellan amid the long stretches of World War II and long subsequently, with Sunday Mass participation expanding from the pre-war 70 standard participants to 400. In spite of different misfortunes, for example, another flame on January 10 of 1950 to the harm of $15,000, Sacred Heart Parish kept on thriving, establishing Sacred Heart School in 1953, staffed with Benedictine Sisters from Cullman.
In 1997, property was obtained for another congregation and the present church was sold to Trinity Lutheran Church. The area utilized the break room at the school as their haven until the present, bigger Church was committed on November 1, 1999. The school additionally confronted change in 1999, moving into the site of the previous school at Ft. McClellan, and beginning a High School.

Parish Google Map

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church.
Sacred heart of Jesus Catholic church

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