Saint of the Day for February 5 2025

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Today is Wednesday, October 16, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is February 5 2025.

👉 Saint Agatha of Sicily, Virgin and Martyr

Saint Dominica of Shapwick

Blessed Elisabetta Canori Mora

Saint Adelaide of Guelders

Saint Avitus of Vienne

Saint Bertulph of Renty

Saint Genuinus of Sabion

Saint Albinus of Brixen

Saint Calamanda of Calaf

Saint Agatha Hildegard of Carinthia

Saint Luca di Demenna

Saint Jes’s Méndez-Montoya

Saint Anthony of Athens

Saint Kichi Franciscus

Saint Indract

Blessed Françoise Mézière

Saint Gabriel de Duisco

Blessed John Morosini

Saint Agricola of Tongres

St Agricola of Tongres, also known as Agricolus or Agricolaus, was born in the 4th century and died in the early morning of July 18 401 AD of natural causes.

He was a bishop of Tongres, Belgium in 384 AD and also was added to another memorial on May 15 as one of the Bishops of Maastricht. He was buried in the church of Our Lady in Huy, Belgium.

Blessed Primo Andrés Lanas

Blessed Primo Andrés Lanas, also known as Trinidad, was born on February 7 1877 in Maeztu, Alava, Spain and died on February 5 1937 in Madrid, Spain.

He was a monk and a member of the Hospitallers of St John of God. He was martyred in the Spanish Civil War. He was beatified on October 13 2013 by Pope Francis.

Saint Vodoaldus of Soissons

St Vodoaldus of Soissons was also known as Vodale, Voel, Vodalis or Vodalus. He was Irish or Scottish born and died in 725 AD near Soissons, France of natural causes.

Additionally, he was a missionary from the British Isles to France and also a hermit beside Saint Mary’s convent at Soissons, France. He was known as a miracle worker.

Saint Saba the Younger

St Saba the Younger died in 995 AD in the monastery of San Cesario, Rome, Italy. He was a brother of St Macarius and a monk.

In addition, he worked with his brother to spread the monastic life through the Calabria and Lucania regions of Italy during a time when Muslim Saracen invaders were disrupting religious life.

Saint Modestus of Carinthia

St Modestus of Carinthia, also known as Modestus of Salzburg, died of natural causes in 722 AD.

He was a Benedictine monk, a spiritual student of St Virgilius at Salzburg, Austria and a bishop of Carinthia, Austria, and largely responsible for the region’s evangelization.

Saint Buo of Ireland

St Buo of Ireland was an Irish-born and died of natural causes in 900 AD. He was a monk and a missionary to the Norwegians in Iceland and the Faroe Islands.

Saint Isidore of Alexandria

St Isidore of Alexandria was an Egyptian born and died in Alexandria, Egypt as a martyr.

Saint Fingen of Metz

St Fingen of Metz was born in 10th century Ireland and died in 1005 AD. He was a monk and also an abbot known for restoring old monasteries.

Martyrs of Pontus

Martyrs of Pontus were an unknown number of Christians who were tortured and martyred in assorted painful ways in the region of Pontus (in modern Turkey) during the persecutions of Maximian.

Other Saints of the Day for February 5 2025

  • Geniale
  • Eulalia de Pinos
  • Elizabeth of Wertheim
  • Domitian of Carinthia
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 5 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is February 5 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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