Saint of the Day for October 20 2024

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Today is Sunday, September 15, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 20 2024.

👉 Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest

Saint Cornelius the Centurion

Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki

Saint Maria Bertilla Boscardin

Saint Acca of Hexham

Blessed James of Strepar

Saint Artemius Megalomartyr

Saint Maximus of Aquila

Saint Andrew of Crete

Saint Caprasius of Agen

Saint Lucas Alonso Gorda

Saint Aderald

St Aderald was born in Troyes, France. He was an Archdeacon who made a pilgrimage to Palestine where he was imprisoned for his faith by Saracens.

He returned to France from his pilgrimage with several relics of various saints. He later built the Holy Sepulchre Abbey at Samblières, France. In 1004 AD, he died of natural causes in Troyes, France.

Saint Bernard of Bagnorea

St Bernard of Bagnorea was also known as Bernard of Castro or Bernard of Vulcia. He was born in Bagnorea, Italy. He was the bishop of Vulcia, Italy but later moved the diocese to Ischia de Castro. He died in 800 AD.

Saint Adelina

St Adelina was also known as Adeline. She was the sister of Saint Vitalis and the granddaughter of William the Conqueror.

She became a Benedictine nun and the abbess of the convent of La Blanche, Moriton, Normandy which her brother had founded. In 1125 AD, she died of natural causes.

Saint Barsabias

St Barsabias was also known as Barsabas. He was born in Persia. He became a monk and later an abbot. In 342 AD, near the ruins of Persepolis in modern-day Iran, he was martyred, together with eleven of his monks, during the persecutions of King Shapur II.

Blessed Gundisalvus of Silos

Blessed Gundisalvus of Silos was also known as Gonzalo. He was a Benedictine monk at Silos, Old Castile (Spain) under Saint Dominic of Silos.

In 1073 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Vitalis of Salzburg

St Vitalis of Salzburg was a spiritual student of Saint Rupert of Salzburg, a monk and later an abbot of Saint Peter’s Abbey in Salzburg, Austria. From 717 AD to 745 AD, he was the Archbishop of Salzburg, He died in 745 AD.

Saint Leopardo of Osimo

St Leopardo of Osimo was also known as Leopardus. He was the first bishop of Osimo, Italy, serving in the 5th century. He is the patron saint of the Archdiocese of Ancona-Osimo, Italy.

Saint Usthazanes

St Usthazanes was a monk and an abbot in Persia. In 341 AD, he was tortured, beheaded and died as a martyr in Ishtar, Persia together with twelve of his brother monks during the persecutions of Sapor.

Saint Sindulf of Rheims

St Sindulf of Rheims was also known as Sindulphus. He was born in Gascony, France, became a hermit in Aussonce, France and died in 660 AD.

Saint Irene

St Irene was a nun in Portugal, most probably at Santarem where her memory is especially honoured. She died in 653 AD fighting off an attempt of rape.

Saint Martha of Cologne

St Martha of Cologne died as a martyr in Cologne, Germany. She is believed to have been part of the group that travelled with Saint Ursula.

Saint Aidan of Mayo

St Aidan of Mayo was the bishop of Mayo, Ireland in the eighth century AD. He died in 768 AD.

Saint Saula of Cologne

St Saula of Cologne died as a martyr in Cologne, Germany.

Saint Bradan

St Bradan was also known as Bradano. He is venerated on the Isle of Man.

Saint Orora

St Orora was also known as Crora. He is venerated on the Isle of Man.

Other Saints of the Day for October 20 2024

  • Jakob Kern

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 20 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 20 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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