Saint of the Day for July 23 2024

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Today is Monday, March 3, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 23 2024.

👉 Saint Bridget of Sweden

Blessed Margarita de Maturana

Blessed Basil Hopko

Ezekiel the Prophet

Blessed Pedro Ruiz de los Paños Angel

Blessed Lucrecia García Solanas

Blessed Wojciech Gondek

Saint Phocas the Gardener

Blessed Jane of Orvieto

Blessed Josep Sala Picó

Saint John Cassian

Saint Anne of Constantinople

Blessed Beaudoin of Beaumont

Blessed Emilio Arce Díez

Saint Romula of Rome

Saint Valerian of Cimiez

St Valerian of Cimiez was also known as Valerian of Lérins. He was a monk at Lérins, France.

He became the Bishop of Cimiez, France. He also attended the Council of Riez in 439 AD and the Council of Vaison in 442 AD. Some of the homilies he wrote are still there. He died in 460 AD.

Saint Severus of Bizye

St Severus of Bizye was also known as Severus of Bizia or Severus of Wiza. He is the one who brought Saint Mennone the Centurian to Christianity. He was martyred in Bizye, Thrace in modern-day Turkey during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Herundo of Rome

St Herundo was born in Rome, Italy. Together with Saint Romula and Saint Redempta, she was a hermitess near the church of Saint Mary Major in Rome, Italy. St Gregory the Great spoke highly of them. She died of natural causes in 580 AD.

Saint Rasyphus of Macé

St Rasyphus of Macé was born in the British Isles in the fifth century. He became a hermit in northern France and died as a martyr in Macé, France. Her relics are enshrined in Bayeaux, France.

Saint Ravennus of Macé

Saint Ravennus of Macé was born in the British Isles in the fifth century. He became a hermit in northern France and died as a martyr in Macé, France. Her relics are enshrined in Bayeaux, France.

Blessed Juan de Luca

Blessed Juan de Luca was a Mercedarian friar who in 1343 AD, he freed 116 Christians who had been enslaved by Muslims in Algiers. He converted many Muslims to the Christian faith as he travelled through the North Africa region.

Saint Redempta of Rome

St Redempta was a holy ascetic woman who lived near the church of Saint Mary Major in Rome, Italy. She died in 580 AD.

Saint Primitiva of Rome

St Primitiva of Rome was also known as Primitia, Privata. He died as a martyr in Rome, Italy on an unknown date.

Saint Theophilus of Rome

St Theophilus died as a martyr after being beheaded in 302 AD in Rome, Italy during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Blessed Juan de Montesinos

Blessed Juan de Montesinos was a Mercedarian friar and a missionary who died as a martyr in 1619 AD after being shot with arrows.

Saint Trophimus of Rome

St Trophimus was beheaded in 302 AD in Rome, Italy and died as a martyr in the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Rasyphus of Rome

St Rasyphus of Rome was martyred in Rome, Italy and is venerated there from early times.

Saint Apollonius of Rome

St Apollonius of Rome died as a martyr after he was tied to a stake and shot with arrows.

Blessed Leonard da Recanati

Blessed Leonard da Recanati was an Italian-born Mercedarian friar and later Bishop.

Saint Conan of Cornwall

St Conan was a companion of Saint Petroc in the 6th century in Cornwall, England.

Saint Eugene of Rome

Saint Eugene of Rome was beheaded and died a Martyr.

Martyrs of Barcelona

The Martyrs of Barcelona were a group of seven Christians, who were a mix of several people. They were martyred in two groups on the same day of July 23 1936, in Barcelona, Spain during the Spanish Civil War. They were beatified on October 28 2007, by Pope Benedict XVI.

Some were

  • Laypeople,
  • Members of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
  • The Franciscan Daughters of Mercy

Their names were

  1. Catalina Caldés Socías
  2. Simó Reynés Solivellas
  3. Prudència Canyelles Ginestà de Aguadé
  4. Pau Noguera Trías
  5. Miquela Rul-Làn Ribot
  6. Miquel Pons Ramis
  7. Francesc Mayol Oliver

Martyrs of Bulgaria

The Martyrs of Bulgaria were Christians who were killed for their faith during the 9th-century war between the Greek Emperor Nicephorus and the Bulgars.

Martyrs of Carabanchel Bajo

The Martyrs of Carabanchel Bajo were a group of nine Passionist priests, brothers and clerics who were martyred together on July 22 1936, in Carabanchel Bajo, Madrid, Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

On October 1 1989, they were beatified by Pope John Paul II.

  1. Anacario Benito Nozal
  2. Maurilio Macho Rodríguez
  3. Manuel Pérez Jiménez
  4. Laurino Proaño Cuesta
  5. Julio Mediavilla Concejero
  6. José Ruiz Martinez
  7. José Osés Sainz
  8. Felipe Valcobado Granado
  9. Felipe Ruiz Fraile

Martyrs of Horta

The martyrs of Horta were a group of nine Minim nuns and a laywoman who were martyred together on July 23 1936, at the Sant Genís dels Agudells highway, Horta, Barcelona, Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

On October 27 2013, they were beatified by Pope Benedict XVI.

Their names are

  1. Ana Ballesta Gelmá
  2. Teresa Ríus Casas
  3. Ramona Ors Torrents
  4. Mercè Mestre Trinché
  5. Maria Montserrat Ors Molist
  6. Lucrecia García Solanas
  7. Josepa Panyella Doménech
  8. Josefa Pilar García Solanas
  9. Dolors Vilaseca Gallego

Martyrs of Manzanares

Martyrs of Manzanares are a group of five Passionist clerics who were martyred together, after being shot on July 23 1936, in Manzanares, Ciudad Real, Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

They were beatified by Pope John Paul II on October 1 1989.

  1. Abilio Ramos y Ramos
  2. Zacarías Fernández Crespo
  3. Vicente Díez Tejerina
  4. José Estalayo García
  5. Epifanio Sierra Conde

Other Saints of the Day for July 23 2024

  1. Our Lady of Altino
  2. Panagia Evangelistria
  3. Anna of Lefkas
  4. Beatrix d’Este III
  5. James I of Aragon
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 23 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is July 23 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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