Saint of the Day for July 9 2024

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Today is Saturday, September 28, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is July 9 2024.

👉 Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions (Martyr Saints of China)

Saint Veronica Giuliani

Saint Paulina do Coracao Agonizante de Jesus

Blessed Marija Petkovic

Our Lady of Chiquinquirá

Blessed Fidelis Jerome Chojnacki

Blessed Adrian Fortescue

Saint Mary Hermina Grivot

Blessed Luigi Caburlotto

Saint Ioachim Hao

Saint Copra of Egypt

Saint Patermutius of Egypt

Blessed Jane Scopelli

Saint Alexander of Egypt

Blessed Marguerite-Marie-Anne de Rocher

Saint Everild of Everingham

Blessed Marie-Anne-Madeleine de Guilhermier

Martyrs of the Baths

Saint Audax of Thora

During the persecutions of Decius, St Audax of Thora was a prison guard who guarded Saint Anatolia. It was St Anatolia who converted him to Christianity.

In 250 AD, he was beheaded in Rome, Italy and died a martyr.

Saint Brictius of Martola

St Brictius was the Bishop of Martola, Italy. He was considered a confessor of the faith. During the Diocletian persecutions, he was imprisoned but was not martyred. He died of natural causes in 312 AD.

Blessed Dionysius the Rhetorician

Blessed Dionysius was a monk at the Studion monastery in Constantinople. He was a spiritual student of St Metrophanes. In 1606 he died of natural causes.

Saint Herombert of Minden

St Herombert was chosen as the Bishop of Minden, Westphalia with the help and support of Blessed Charlemagne. He was a missionary to the Saxons. He died in 800 AD

Saint Floriana of Rome

Saint Floriana died as a virgin and martyr in Rome, Italy on an unknown date.

Saint Cyril of Gortyna

St Cyril was an Elderly bishop of Gortyna, Crete. In 250 AD he was tortured, beheaded and died as a martyr in the persecutions of Decius.

Saint Agrippinus of Autun

St Agrippinus was the Bishop of Autun, France. He is the one who ordained Saint Germanus of Paris. He died in 538 AD of natural causes

Saint Faustina of Rome

St Faustina died in Rome, Italy as a virgin and martyr on an unknown date.

Saint Felician of Sicily

St Felician of Sicily was also known as Feliciano or Felicianus. He died as a martyr.

Four Holy Polish Brothers

These are the four Polish brothers who became started by becoming hermits then Benedictine monks and finally saints. They died in 1008 of natural causes.

Their names are

  • Andrew
  • Barnabas
  • Benedict
  • Justus

Martyrs of Orange

The martyrs of Orange are also known as Religious Women of Orange. They were 32 nuns from several orders. They spent nearly eighteen months in prison.

Ultimately, between July 6 and July 26 1794 at Orange, Vaucluse, France, during the French Revolution persecutions, they were guillotined for refusing to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ.

On May 10 1925, they were Beatified by Pope Pius XI

Their names were

• Thérèse-Henriette Faurie
• Sylvie-Agnès de Romillon
• Suzanne-Agathe Deloye
• Rosalie-Clotilde Bes
• Marie-Rose Laye
• Marie-Marguerite de Barbégie d’Albrède
• Marie-Marguerite Bonnet
• Marie-Gertrude de Ripert d’Alauzier
• Marie-Gabrielle-Françoise-Suzanne de Gaillard de Lavaldène
• Marie-Elisabeth Pélissier
• Marie-Clotilde Blanc
• Marie-Claire du Bac
• Marie-Anne-Madeleine de Guilhermier
• Marie-Anne Lambert
• Marie-Anne Doux
• Marie-Anne Depeyre
• Marie-Anne Béguin-Royal
• Marie-Anastasie de Roquard
• Marie Cluse
• Marguerite-Thérèse Charensol
• Marguerite-Rose de Gordon
• Marguerite-Marie-Anne de Rocher
• Marguerite-Eléonore de Justamond
• Madeleine-Thérèse Talieu
• Madeleine-Françoise de Justamond
• Jeanne-Marie de Romillon
• élisabeth-Thérèse de Consolin
• élisabeth Verchière
• Dorothée-Madeleine-Julie de Justamond
• Anne-Andrée Minutte
• Anne Cartier

Franciscan Martyrs of China

Additional Memorial
September 28 as one of the Martyrs of China

The Franciscan Martyrs of China are the 25 priests, friars, nuns, seminarians and laypeople who on July 9 1900, at Taiyuanfu, Shanxi, China, during the Boxer Rebellion, were beheaded together because of their faith. They were all members of the Franciscan congregation.

On October 1 2000 they were canonized by Pope John Paul II in Rome.

Their names are

  • St Thomas Shen Jihe
  • St Simon Chen
  • St Philippus Zhang Zhihe
  • St Petrus Zhang Banniu
  • St Petrus Wu Anbang
  • St Petrus Wang Erman
  • St Patricius Dong
  • St Matthias Feng De
  • St Mary Hermina Grivot
  • St Marie de Saint Just
  • St Marie Amandine
  • St Marie Adolphine Dierks
  • St Marianna Giuliani
  • St Maria Chaira
  • St Jeanne-Marie Kerguin
  • St Ioannes Zhang Jingguang
  • St Ioannes Zhang Huan
  • St Ioannes Wang Rui
  • St Iacobus Zhao Quanxin
  • St Iacobus Yan Guodong
  • St Gregorio Grassi
  • St Franciscus Zhang Rong
  • St Francesco Fogolla
  • St Elia Facchini
  • St Andre Bauer

Martyrs of Gorkum

Martyrs of Gorkum are also known as Gorkum Martyrs or Martyrs of Gorcum. They are the nineteen martyrs who on July 9 1572, in Brielle, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands were hanged to death by Calvinists for pronouncing their belief in the Real Presence in the Eucharist and also pledging their loyalty to the Pope.

On June 29 1867 they were canonized by Pope Pius IX.

Their names are

  • St Willehad van Deem
  • St Theodorus van der Eem
  • St Petrus van Assche
  • St Nicolaas Poppel
  • St Nicolaas Pieck
  • St Nicasius Janssen van Heeze
  • St Leonardus van Veghel
  • St John of Cologne
  • St Joannes Lenaerts
  • St Jacobus Lacops
  • St Hieronymus van Weert
  • St Godfried van Melveren
  • St Godfried van Duynen
  • St Francisus de Roye
  • St Cornelius van Wijk
  • St Antonius van Weert
  • St Antonius van Hoornaar
  • St Andreas Wouters
  • St Adrianus van Hilvarenbeek

Other Saints of the Day for July 9 2024

• Our Lady of Itatí
• Procula of Gannat
• Pontian of Todi
• Our Lady of Victories
• Our Lady of Peace
• Eusanius of Furci
• Dominic Serrano
• Brictius of Seez

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is July 9 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is July 9 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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