Saint of the Day for October 2 2024

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Today is Friday, March 14, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 2 2024.

👉 Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels

Blessed Antoine Chevrier

Saint Leodegarius of Autun

Blessed Bonaventura Relli

Blessed Bartolomé Blanco Márquez

Blessed Georges-Edme René

Blessed Jan Beyzym

Saint Émilie de Villeneuve

Saint Modesto of Sardinia

Saint Beregisus

Saint Beregisus was also known as Beregiso. He was a priest and a confessor for Pepin of Heristal.

It was Pepin who helped him found the monastery of Saint-Hubert in the Ardennes. where he may have served as its abbot. He died sometime after 725 AD.

Saint Gerinus

St Gerinus was also known as Garino, Garinus, Guarinus, Wannus, Warinus, Warren or Werinus. He was the son of Saint Sigrada and brother of Saint Leodegarius.

He was persecuted by Ebroin who was the mayor of the French palace who was at war with Saint Leodegarius.

He was stoned to death and died as a martyr in 676 AD near Arras, France by the order of Ebroin.

Saint Theophilus of Bulgaria

St Theophilus of Bulgaria was born in Bulgaria and was a Benedictine monk in Asia Minor. He spoke out against the iconoclasts.

For this, he was beaten, imprisoned, and exiled by Emperor Leo the Isaurian. In 750 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Ursicinus II

St Ursicinus II was also known as Ursicino di Coira. He was a Benedictine monk and later the abbot of Disentis, Switzerland.

 In 754 AD, he reluctantly became the bishop of Chur, Switzerland. He resigned in 758 AD to become a prayerful hermit for the rest of his days. In 760 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Eleutherius of Nicomedia

St Eleutherius of Nicomedia was a soldier who was martyred in 303 AD at Nicomedia together with a number of unnamed companions during the persecutions of Diocletian.

Saint Cyril of Antioch

St Cyril of Antioch was martyred in Antioch, Syria during the early persecutions.

Saint Secundarius

St Secundarius was martyred in Antioch, Syria during the early persecutions.

Saint Leudomer

St Leudomer was also known as Lomer. He was the Bishop of Chartres, France. In 585 AD, he died of natural causes.

Saint Primus of Antioch

St Primus of Antioch was martyred in Antioch, Syria during the early persecutions.

Martyrs of Nagasaki

The Martyrs of Nagasaki were born in Nagasaki, Japan, and comprised of a husband, wife, and two sons who on October 2 1622, were all beheaded and martyred together in Nagasaki during the persecutions in Japan.

On May 7 1867, they were beatified by Pope Pius IX.

Their names are;

  • Blessed Ludovicus Yakichi
  • Blessed Lucia Yakichi
  • Blessed Franciscus Yakichi
  • Blessed Andreas Yakichi

Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War

These are the names of some of the thousands of people who were murdered from 1934 to 1939, during the anti-Catholic persecutions of the Spanish Civil War. 

Their names are;

• Blesssed Felipe González de Heredia Barahona
• Blessed Pedro Salcedo Puchades
• Blessed Pedro Artolozaga Mellique
• Blessed Mateu Garrolera Masferrer
• Blessed María Francisca Ricart Olmos
• Blessed Manuel Borrajo Míguez
• Blessed Juan Iñiguez de Ciriano Abechuco
• Blessed Juan Carbonell Molla
• Blessed Isidoro Bover Oliver
• Blessed Francisco Carceller Galindo
• Blessed Enrique Sáiz-Aparicio
• Blessed Elías Carbonell Molla

Other Saints of the Day for October 2 2024

• Serenus of Metz
• Edmund Maclot
• David Mkheidze
• Constantine Mkheidze

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

Saints Whose Feast Day is October 2 - Catholic Saint of the Day
Saints Whose Feast Day is October 2 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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