St Boniface I, Pope – Feast Day – September 4 2024

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St Boniface I was the pope from December 28 418 until his death four years later.

He was born towards the end of the 4th century in Rome.

He died in Rome on September 4 422.

We celebrate his feast day on September 4 every year in the Catholic Church.

St Boniface I, Pope Biography
St Boniface I, Pope - Feast Day - September 4
St Boniface I, Pope – Feast Day – September 4 2024
Date of Birth 4th century AD
Place of Birth Rome
Profession Pope
Place of Work Rome
Date of Death September 4 422
Place of Death Rome, Italy
Feast Day September 4
Canonization Precongregation
Patron Saint of  

St Boniface I, Pope Life History

Little is known about the life of St Boniface I, Pope. However, it is believed she was born in Rome and the son of Jocundus the Presbyter.

He was ordained a priest by Pope Damasus I and served as the representative of Pope Innocent I in Constantinople.

St Boniface was very charitable and learned and his piety was clearly seen in his life and service while discharging his clerical duties.

After the death of Pope Zosimus on December 26 418, the election of a new pope commenced. A deacon named Eulalius was elected as the pope by some deacons, laity, and a few priests and ordained as Bishop of Rome and became pope on Sunday, December 29 418.

Meanwhile, on Saturday, December 28 418, a majority of the priests of the Church elected St Boniface as the pope and also consecrated him as pope on December 29.

This turn of events brought some turbulence in Rome. The Urban Prefect, Aurelius Anicius Symmachus, warned both Eulalius and Boniface to maintain.

Meanwhile, the Urban Prefect, wrote to Emperor Honorius stating that Eulalius was the rightfully elected pope and bishop of Rome.

The Emperor confirmed this and declared that Eulalius was the rightful pope and bishop of Rome. Despite the official declaration of Eulalius’s papacy, violence broke out between the two groups of supporters. St Boniface was arrested and detained outside the walls of Rome.

St Boniface’s supporters did not rest easy, they sent a petition to Emperor Honorius alleging irregularities in the election of Eulalius.

The Emperor, in response, suspended his previous declaration that Eulalius was the rightful pope and bishop of Rome.

The Emperor ordered both St Boniface and Eulalius to stay out of Rome to await judgment from the synod that had been constituted and scheduled to meet on June 13 419.

By all indications, Eulalius was set to be confirmed to the post, but did one mistake, he defied Emperor Honorius’ order and entered Rome on March 18 and consequently lost the support of the authorities.

Emperor Honorius eventually recognized St Boniface as the rightful pope and bishop of Rome.

Pope Boniface’s reign was noted for his peaceful, yet firm, diplomacy and for his support of St Augustine of Hippo, especially in the fight against the Pelagianism heresy that denied original sin.

He brought about disciplinary organization and control in the dioceses and worked to reform certain corrupt practices and also reduced the privileges granted to certain bishops.

Pope Saint Boniface died on September 4 422 in Rome, Italy.

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