Saint of the Day for October 16 2024

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Today is Thursday, September 12, 2024

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is October 16 2024.

👉 Saint Hedwig of Andechs, Religious

👉 Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin

Saint Gerard Majella

Saint Longinus the Centurian

Saint Gall

Saint Bertrand of Comminges

Blessed Józef Jankowski

Blessed Augustine Thevarparampil

Blessed Anicet Koplinski

Saint Lull

Saint Mummolinus of Noyon

Saint Eliphius of Toul

Saint Ambrose of Cahors

Saint Balderic of Montfaucon

Saint Anastasius of Tombolenia

Blessed Jesús Villaverde Andrés

Blessed Gerald of Fossanuova

Saint Dulcidius of Agen

Saint Florentinus of Trier

Saint Silvanus of Ahun

Saint Amandus of Limoges

Saint Baldwin

St Baldwin was also known as Balduin, Balduinus, Baudoin, Baudouin or Boudewijn. He was the son of Saint Blandinus of Laon and Saint Sadalberga and the brother of Saint Anstrude of Laon.

He became the archdeacon of Laon at the time of Dagobert I, the King of France. He was martyred in 680 AD by Ebroin.

Saint Conogan of Quimper

St Conogan of Quimper was also known as Albinus, Conogon, or Gwen. He was the Bishop of Quimper, France. He died in 460 AD.

Saint Vitalis of Noirmoutier

St Vitalis of Noirmoutier was also known as Vial. He was born in England and became a monk in Noirmoutier-en-l’Île, France. He became a hermit on Mont Scobrit near the Loire River and died in 740 AD.

Saint Magnobodus of Angers

St Magnobodus of Angers was also known as Mainboeuf or Maimbod. He was born to the Frankish nobility.

He was chosen by popular acclaim to become the Bishop of Angers, France due to his personal piety. He died in 670 AD.

Saint Martinian of Mauretania

St Martinian of Mauretania was captured as a slave by Arian Vandals in Mauretania in North Africa. In 458 AD, he was dragged to death by horses and martyred during the persecutions of Genseric.

Saint Saturian of Mauretania

St Saturian of Mauretania was captured as a slave by Arian Vandals in Mauretania in North Africa. In 458 AD, he was dragged to death by horses and martyred during the persecutions of Genseric.

Saint Bolonia

St. Bolonia was also known as Boulogne. She was a nun who was martyred in 362 AD at age 15 during the persecutions of Julian the Apostate. The village of Saint Boulogne in Maine, France is named in her honour.

Saint Gaudericus of Mirepoix

St Gaudericus of Mirepoix was also known as Gauderico. He was a farmer in the region of the Pyrenees and was renowned for his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Saint Eremberta of Wierre

St Eremberta of Wierre was the niece of Saint Wulmar. In the seventh century, she became a nun and later an abbess of Wierre-aux-Bois Abbey in France which St. Wulmar built for her.

Saint Bonita of Brioude

St Bonita of Brioude was a nun in the region of Brioude, Aquitaine, now in modern-day France in the tenth century AD.

Saint Vidal of Retz

St Vidal of Retz was a hermit in the region of Retz, Brittany, near modern-day Nantes, France in the eighth century.

Saint Junian

Saint Junian was a hermit at Commodoliacus, now modern-day Saint-Junien, France in the fifth century AD. He was renowned as a miracle worker.

Martyrs in Africa

The Martyrs in Africa were a group of 220 Christian martyrs who died for their faith.

Martyrs of North Africa

The Martyrs of North Africa were a group of 365 Christians who were martyred together in 450 AD in North Africa during the persecutions of the Vandal king Genseric.

Other Saints of the Day for October 16 2024

  • Purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Petra de San José
  • Fortunatus of Casei
  • Evodius of Uzala

Catholic Saint of the Day

Catholic Saint Feast Days in October

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 16 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is October 16 2024 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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