This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on March 9 2025.
👉 Saint Frances of Rome, Religious
Saint Catherine of Bologna
Saint Gregory of Nyssa
Saint Dominic Savio
Saint Bruno of Querfort
Saint Vitalis of Calabria
Saint Pacian of Barcelona
Saint Ioannes Baptista Chon Chang-un
Saint Petrus Ch’oe Hyong
St Petrus Ch’oe Hyong was also known as Choe Hyeong, Peteuro, or Peter Ch’oe Hyong. He was a married layman and father born in 1814 in Gongju, Chungcheong-do, South Korea.
He converted to Christianity as an adult and became a catechist. He worked with St Ioannes Baptista Chon Chang-un to publish Christian books in Korean.
He was imprisoned, tortured, executed and died as a martyr on March 9 1866 in In-Ko-Ri, Seoul, South Korea.
He was canonized on May 6 1984 by Pope John Paul II. We celebrate him with an additional memorial on September 20 as one of the Martyrs of Korea.
Saint Bosa of York
Saint Bosa of York, also referred to as Boso, was a member of the Benedictine monastic community located in Whitby, England.
He served under the guidance of Saint Hilda of Whitby. In 678 AD, he was chosen to be the bishop of Deira, which is now known as Yorkshire, the southern region of Northumbria.
This appointment was made by Saint Theodore of Canterbury after King Egfrid had expelled Saint Wilfrid of York from the position.
Later on, in 691 AD, he was appointed as bishop once more, after Saint Wilfrid was exiled from his role as a result of a dispute with King Aldfrid.
Saint Bede, an early English historian and theologian, described Bosa as a man who was greatly loved by God and possessed exceptional virtue and holiness. He taught Saint Acca and died of natural causes in 696 AD.
Saint Constantine of Cornwall
St Constantine was originally a prince from Cornwall and the son of King Paternus. He lived a life of immorality but underwent a transformation after a spiritual encounter, repented his sins, and went on to study the Christian faith in Wales and Ireland.
He later became a missionary and worked alongside Saint Columbanus, spreading the Gospel to the Scottish Picts. Additionally, he served as an abbot of a monastery located in Govan.
In Cornwall, there are two places named after him. However, in 587 AD, he was brutally killed by thieves who severed his right arm and left him to bleed to death. Some accounts have recognized him as Scotland’s first martyr.
Saint Mary of Seyne
Saint Mary of Seyne was born in the 12th century to the nobility, the family of the Count of Seyne an area of modern Germany.
Many of the noble families sought the girl for an arranged marriage, but Mary was drawn to religious life with a special devotion to the Mother of God.
She entered the Premonstratensians and became canoness at the convent of Dünnwald in Cologne, Germany.
She spent her days there in charitable work, spiritual reading, and prayer. In 1200 she died of natural causes.
Saint Anthony of Froidemont
Saint Anthony of Froidemont also known as Anthony of Liaroles or Anthony of Luxeuil was a tenth-century Benedictine monk at Luxeuil Abbey. He was hermit at Froidemont in Franche-Comté, France.
Blessed Battista of Florence
Blessed Battista of Florence was a Franciscan friar in the late 15th and early 16th century. He died in 1510 in Campli, diocese of Teramo, Italy of natural causes. No other information about him has survived.
Saint Alvera of Limeuil
Saint Alvera of Limeuil also known as Alvère was a fourth-century Christian. His relics are enshrined in Limeuil, Périgord, France. No other information has survived.
Saint Candidus
Saint Candidus was a soldier and one of the Forty Armenian Martyrs killed in the persecutions of Licinius. He was frozen to death in 320 AD.
Saint Cyrion
Saint Cyrion was a soldier and one of the Forty Armenian Martyrs killed in the persecutions of Licinius. He was frozen to death in 320 AD.
Other Saints of the Day for March 9 2025
- Brigid of Moin-Miolain
- Colman of Clontivrin

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