Saint of the Day for April 5 2025

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Today is Friday, March 14, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on April 5 2025.

👉 Saint Vincent Ferrer

Blessed Juliana of Mont Cornillon

Blessed Saturnina Rodríguez de Zavalía

Saint Catherine of Palma

Blessed Mariano de la Mata Aparicio

Saint Maria Crescentia Höss

Saint Derfel Gadarn

Saint Irene of Thessalonica

Saint Gerald of Sauve-Majeure

St Gerald of Sauve-Majeure was also known as Gerald of Corbie, Gerard, or Geraud born in Corbie, France. He was a Benedictine monk at the monastery of Corbie, France where he was also educated. He was also the Cellarer there (the person in a monastery who is responsible for provisioning and catering).

St Gerald travelled with his abbot to Monte Cassino and Rome and was ordained by Pope Saint Leo IX. He suffered from severe headaches but when he returned to the monastery at Corbie, he was cured of them by Saint Adalard.

He also made a pilgrimage to Palestine. He became an abbot of Saint Vicent’s abbey, in Laon, France and later the abbot of Saint Medard abbey at Soissons, France.

While at Saint Medard abbey, he was expelled by a usurper for the position of abbot but went and founded the abbey of Sauve-Majeure which spread a devotion to the Benedictine Rule.

He died in 1095 AD of natural causes and was canonized in 1197 AD by Pope Celestine III.

Blessed Conrad of Saxony

Blessed Conrad of Saxony born Saxony in modern Germany was a Franciscan friar and became a missionary preacher in Ircania, an area near the Caspian Sea, a region primarily of Muslims and Eastern Orthodox Christians.

One day as he was preparing to preach the faith in public, he was set on and murdered by a mob. He died a martyr after being strangled to death in 1288 in the Ircania region.

Blessed Stephen of Hungary

Blessed Stephen of Hungary born in Hungary was a Franciscan friar and became a missionary preacher in Ircania, an area near the Caspian Sea, a region of primarily of Muslims and Eastern Orthodox Christians.

One day as he was preparing to preach the faith in public, he was set on and murdered by a mob. He died a martyr after being strangled to death in 1288 in the Ircania region.

Saint Albert of Montecorvino

Saint Albert of Montecorvino born in Normandy modern France was taken to Pietra Montecorvino in Apulia, Italy as a child.

He became a bishop and got blind in later years, but was known to his visions, and as a miracle worker. He died in 1127 at Pietra Montecorvino, Apulia, Italy. He is the patron of Pietra Montecorvino, Italy.

Blessed Raimondo of Monteolivo

Blessed Raimondo of Monteolivo born in Catalonia region of Spain was a Mercedarian secular knight, receiving the habit from Saint Peter Nolasco himself on August 10 1218, the day of the founding of the Mercedarians.

Saint Claudius of Mesopotamia

Saint Claudius of Mesopotamia also known as Claudianus of Mesopotamia born Persian became a monk at age 30.

He was captured, tortured and martyred in Mesopotamia. He died after being repeatedly slashed with a knife in Mesopotamia.

Blessed Blaise of Auvergne

Blessed Blaise of Auvergne also known as Blasius of Auvergne was a fourteenth century Dominican. He was the spiritual student of Saint Vincent Ferrer. He was noted as a passionate preacher.

Blessed Antonio Blasi

Blessed Antonio Blasi was a Mercedarian friar who was known to be pious and the enthusiastic archbishop of Athens, Greece.

Blessed Anthony Fuster

Blessed Anthony Fuster also known as Antonius Fuster or The Peace Angel was a fourteenth-century Dominican. He was the spiritual student of Saint Vincent Ferrer.

Saint Ferbuta of Seleucia

Saint Ferbuta of Seleucia was the sister of Saint Simeon. She was a widow and died in 342 AD in Seleucia, Persia after being martyred in the persecutions of King Sapur II.

Saint Theodore the Martyr

Saint Theodore the Martyr was martyred in the persecution of Emperor Hadrian in 130 AD.

Saint Becan of Cork

Saint Becan of Cork also known as Becan of Cluain-Aird-Mobecog was a sixth-century hermit near Cork, Ireland.

Blessed Peter Cerdan

Blessed Peter Cerdan was a Dominican who travelled and worked with Saint Vincent Ferrer. He died in 1422 AD.

Saint Pausilippus

Saint Pausilippus was martyred in the persecution of Emperor Hadrian in 130 AD.

Saint Zeno the Martyr

Saint Zeno the Martyr died a martyr after being burned alive at an unknown date and place.

Martyrs of Lesbos

Martyrs of Lesbos is a group of five young Christian women martyred together for their faith on the island of Lesbos, Greece.

Martyrs of North-West Africa

Martyrs of North-West Africa also known as Martyrs of Aquae Regiae, Martyrs of Arbal or Martyrs of Regiis is a large group of Christians murdered while celebrating Easter Mass during the persecutions of Genseric, the Arian king of the Vandals, in 459 AD at Arbal in modern Algeria.

Martyrs of Seleucia

Martyrs of Seleucia is a group of one hundred and eleven men and nine women who, because they were Christians, were dragged to Seleucia and martyred for refusing to worship the sun fire or other pagan idols during the persecutions of King Shapur II. They were burned alive in 344 AD in Seleucia, Persia.

List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 5 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 5 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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