Saint of the Day for April 21 2025

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Today is Sunday, March 2, 2025

This is the Saint of the Day list of Saints and Blesseds whose feast day is on April 21 2025.

👉 Saint Anselm of Canterbury

Saint Conrad of Parzham

Saint Roman Adame Rosales

Saint Apollonius the Apologist

Saint Beuno Gasulsych

Blessed Wolbodó of Liège

Saint Maelrubius of Applecross

Saint Anastasius of Sinai

Saint Simeon of Ctesiphon

Holy Infant of Good Health

Blessed John Saziari

Saint Anastasius I of Antioch

St Anastasius I of Antioch was also known as Anastasius the Elder. He became the Patriarch of Antioch in 559 AD.

He was a learned, austere, pious and quiet man who strictly adhered to orthodox Christianity and had a knack for comforting the sick and bereaved.

He opposed the heretical ideas on the Eucharist espoused by Emperor Justinian, and in 570 AD was exiled for 23 years by Emperor Justino II.

Several of his writings have survived, including some on the theological controversies of the day. He died in 599 AD.

Saint Isacius of Nicomedia

St. Isacius of Nicomedia, also called Isaac or Isaacius, served as a palace attendant to Empress Alexandra, wife of Diocletian, and was martyred during the persecutions initiated by Diocletian.

After being imprisoned and subjected to abuse, Isacius was ultimately starved to death in 302 AD.

Saint Crotates of Nicomedia

St. Crotates of Nicomedia, also known as Codratus, served as a palace attendant to Empress Alexandra, the wife of Diocletian.

During the persecutions under Diocletian, Crotates was imprisoned, mistreated, and eventually martyred. He was executed by beheading in the year 302 AD.

Saint Apollo of Nicomedia

When the persecutions of Diocletian began, St. Apollo of Nicomedia was a palace attendant to Empress Alexandra, Diocletian’s wife.

He was subsequently imprisoned, mistreated and martyred. Apollo was starved to death in the year 302 AD.

Saint Abdelcalas

St. Abdelcalas, also called Abdelchalas, Abdecalas, or Abdelas, hailed from Persia. He was an elderly priest who suffered martyrdom alongside around a hundred other believers during the reign of King Sapor II. Their deaths occurred on Good Friday in 345 AD.

Saint Frodulphus

St. Frodulphus, also called Frou, was a follower of St. Medericus and lived as a monk at St. Martin’s Abbey in Autun, France.

He left the abbey to escape the invasion of the Saracens and settled in Barjon, France. He died in the year 750 AD.

Saint Arator of Alexandria

St. Arator of Alexandria, also called Aristo, was a priest in Alexandria, Egypt, who died as a martyr.

Saint Fortunatus of Alexandria

St. Fortunatus of Alexandria died as a martyr in the city of Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Silvius of Alexandria

St. Silvius of Alexandria was a martyr who died in Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Vitalis of Alexandria

St. Vitalis of Alexandria was a martyr who died in Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Felix of Alexandria

St. Felix of Alexandria was a martyr who died in Alexandria, Egypt.

Saint Cyprian of Brescia

St. Cyprian of Brescia was a martyr.

Other Saints of the Day for April 21 2025

  • Maximian of Constantinople
  • John de Riano
  • Bartholomew of Cerevere
  • Aristo of Alexandria
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 21 - Catholic Saint of the Day
List of Saints Whose Feast Day is April 21 2025 – Catholic Saint of the Day

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